4. Essential concept (Physical and Logical data structure, ADT)
01 Jun 2020 | Algorithm
Physical data structure
- Array 는 Stack과 Heap에서 둘다 만들수 있다.
- Linked List는 heap에서 만든다.
Logical data structure
- Linear data sturcture
- Stack (LIFO)
- Queue (FIFO)
- Non-Linear
- trees
- Graph
- Table
- Hash table
Abstract Data type
- what is ADT(Abstract Data Type)
- representation of data
- int, float, double …
- operation on data.
- +,-,*,/,%,++,–
List -> 8,3,9,4,6,10,12
- Data :
- space for storing element(Array, Linked list)
- capacity
- size
- operation :
- add(x)
- remove()
- search(key)
- insert(key)
- set(index, key)
- replace(index, key)
- get(index)
- contain(key)
Physical data structure
- Array 는 Stack과 Heap에서 둘다 만들수 있다.
- Linked List는 heap에서 만든다.
Logical data structure
- Linear data sturcture
- Stack (LIFO)
- Queue (FIFO)
- Non-Linear
- trees
- Graph
- Table
- Hash table
Abstract Data type
- what is ADT(Abstract Data Type)
- representation of data
- int, float, double … - operation on data.
- +,-,*,/,%,++,–
List -> 8,3,9,4,6,10,12
- Data :
- space for storing element(Array, Linked list)
- capacity
- size
- operation :
- add(x)
- remove()
- search(key)
- insert(key)
- set(index, key)
- replace(index, key)
- get(index)
- contain(key)