for Robot Artificial Inteligence

27. AVL Trees(Self-balancing binary search tree)


Drawback Binary Search Tree

Introduction to AVL Trees

LL and RR Rotation on AVL

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Node {
    Node* lchild;
    int data;
    Node* rchild;
    int height;

class AVL{
    Node* root;

    AVL(){ root = nullptr; }

    // Helper methods for inserting
    int NodeHeight(Node* p);
    int BalanceFactor(Node* p);
    Node* LLRotation(Node* p);
    Node* RRRotation(Node* p);
    Node* LRRotation(Node* p);
    Node* RLRotation(Node* p);

    // Insert
    Node* rInsert(Node* p, int key);

    // Traversal
    void Inorder(Node* p);
    void Inorder(){ Inorder(root); }
    Node* getRoot(){ return root; }

int AVL::NodeHeight(Node *p) {
    int hl;
    int hr;

    hl = (p && p->lchild) ? p->lchild->height : 0;
    hr = (p && p->rchild) ? p->rchild->height : 0;

    return hl > hr ? hl + 1 : hr + 1;

int AVL::BalanceFactor(Node *p) {
    int hl;
    int hr;

    hl = (p && p->lchild) ? p->lchild->height : 0;
    hr = (p && p->rchild) ? p->rchild->height : 0;

    return hl - hr;

Node* AVL::LLRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pl = p->lchild;
    Node* plr = pl->rchild;

    pl->rchild = p;
    p->lchild = plr;

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    pl->height = NodeHeight(pl);

    // Update root
    if (root == p){
        root = pl;
    return pl;

Node* AVL::RRRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pr = p->rchild;
    Node* prl = pr->lchild;

    pr->lchild = p;
    p->rchild = prl;

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    pr->height = NodeHeight(pr);

    // Update root
    if (root == p){
        root = pr;
    return pr;

Node* AVL::LRRotation(Node *p) {
    return nullptr;

Node* AVL::RLRotation(Node *p) {
    return nullptr;

Node* AVL::rInsert(Node *p, int key) {
    Node* t;
    if (p == nullptr){
        t = new Node;
        t->data = key;
        t->lchild = nullptr;
        t->rchild = nullptr;
        t->height = 1;  // Starting height from 1 onwards instead of 0
        return t;

    if (key < p->data){
        p->lchild = rInsert(p->lchild, key);
    } else if (key > p->data){
        p->rchild = rInsert(p->rchild, key);

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);

    // Balance Factor and Rotation
    if (BalanceFactor(p) == 2 && BalanceFactor(p->lchild) == 1) {
        return LLRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == 2 && BalanceFactor(p->lchild) == -1){
        return LRRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == -2 && BalanceFactor(p->rchild) == -1){
        return RRRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == -2 && BalanceFactor(p->rchild) == 1){
        return RLRotation(p);

    return p;

void AVL::Inorder(Node *p) {
    if (p){
        cout << p->data << ", " << flush;

int main() {

    // LL Rotation
    AVL tll;
    tll.root = tll.rInsert(tll.root, 30);
    tll.root = tll.rInsert(tll.root, 20);
    tll.root = tll.rInsert(tll.root, 10);

    cout << endl;

    // RR Rotation
    AVL trr;
    trr.root = trr.rInsert(trr.root, 10);
    trr.root = trr.rInsert(trr.root, 20);
    trr.root = trr.rInsert(trr.root, 30);

    cout << endl;

    return 0;

LR and RL Rotation on AVL

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Node {
    Node* lchild;
    int data;
    Node* rchild;
    int height;

class AVL{
    Node* root;

    AVL(){ root = nullptr; }

    // Helper methods for inserting
    int NodeHeight(Node* p);
    int BalanceFactor(Node* p);
    Node* LLRotation(Node* p);
    Node* RRRotation(Node* p);
    Node* LRRotation(Node* p);
    Node* RLRotation(Node* p);

    // Insert
    Node* rInsert(Node* p, int key);

    // Traversal
    void Inorder(Node* p);
    void Inorder(){ Inorder(root); }
    Node* getRoot(){ return root; }

int AVL::NodeHeight(Node *p) {
    int hl;
    int hr;

    hl = (p && p->lchild) ? p->lchild->height : 0;
    hr = (p && p->rchild) ? p->rchild->height : 0;

    return hl > hr ? hl + 1 : hr + 1;

int AVL::BalanceFactor(Node *p) {
    int hl;
    int hr;

    hl = (p && p->lchild) ? p->lchild->height : 0;
    hr = (p && p->rchild) ? p->rchild->height : 0;

    return hl - hr;

Node* AVL::LLRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pl = p->lchild;
    Node* plr = pl->rchild;

    pl->rchild = p;
    p->lchild = plr;

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    pl->height = NodeHeight(pl);

    // Update root
    if (root == p){
        root = pl;
    return pl;

Node* AVL::RRRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pr = p->rchild;
    Node* prl = pr->lchild;

    pr->lchild = p;
    p->rchild = prl;

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    pr->height = NodeHeight(pr);

    // Update root
    if (root == p){
        root = pr;
    return pr;

Node* AVL::LRRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pl = p->lchild;
    Node* plr = pl->rchild;

    pl->rchild = plr->lchild;
    p->lchild = plr->rchild;

    plr->lchild = pl;
    plr->rchild = p;

    // Update height
    pl->height = NodeHeight(pl);
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    plr->height = NodeHeight(plr);

    // Update root
    if (p == root){
        root = plr;
    return plr;

Node* AVL::RLRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pr = p->rchild;
    Node* prl = pr->lchild;

    pr->lchild = prl->rchild;
    p->rchild =prl->lchild;

    prl->rchild = pr;
    prl->lchild = p;
    // Update height
    pr->height = NodeHeight(pr);
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    prl->height = NodeHeight(prl);

    // Update root
    if (root == p){
        root = prl;
    return prl;

Node* AVL::rInsert(Node *p, int key) {
    Node* t;
    if (p == nullptr){
        t = new Node;
        t->data = key;
        t->lchild = nullptr;
        t->rchild = nullptr;
        t->height = 1;  // Starting height from 1 onwards instead of 0
        return t;

    if (key < p->data){
        p->lchild = rInsert(p->lchild, key);
    } else if (key > p->data){
        p->rchild = rInsert(p->rchild, key);

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);

    // Balance Factor and Rotation
    if (BalanceFactor(p) == 2 && BalanceFactor(p->lchild) == 1) {
        return LLRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == 2 && BalanceFactor(p->lchild) == -1){
        return LRRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == -2 && BalanceFactor(p->rchild) == -1){
        return RRRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == -2 && BalanceFactor(p->rchild) == 1){
        return RLRotation(p);

    return p;

void AVL::Inorder(Node *p) {
    if (p){
        cout << p->data << ", " << flush;

int main() {

    // LR Rotation
    AVL tll;
    tll.root = tll.rInsert(tll.root, 50);
    tll.root = tll.rInsert(tll.root, 10);
    tll.root = tll.rInsert(tll.root, 20);

    cout << endl;

    // RL Rotation
    AVL trr;
    trr.root = trr.rInsert(trr.root, 20);
    trr.root = trr.rInsert(trr.root, 50);
    trr.root = trr.rInsert(trr.root, 30);

    cout << endl;

    return 0;

Deletion From AVL tree with Rotations

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Node {
    Node* lchild;
    int data;
    Node* rchild;
    int height;

class AVL{
    Node* root;

    AVL(){ root = nullptr; }

    // Helper methods for inserting/deleting
    int NodeHeight(Node* p);
    int BalanceFactor(Node* p);
    Node* LLRotation(Node* p);
    Node* RRRotation(Node* p);
    Node* LRRotation(Node* p);
    Node* RLRotation(Node* p);
    Node* InPre(Node* p);
    Node* InSucc(Node* p);

    // Insert
    Node* rInsert(Node* p, int key);

    // Traversal
    void Inorder(Node* p);
    void Inorder(){ Inorder(root); }
    Node* getRoot(){ return root; }

    // Delete
    Node* Delete(Node* p, int key);

int AVL::NodeHeight(Node *p) {
    int hl;
    int hr;

    hl = (p && p->lchild) ? p->lchild->height : 0;
    hr = (p && p->rchild) ? p->rchild->height : 0;

    return hl > hr ? hl + 1 : hr + 1;

int AVL::BalanceFactor(Node *p) {
    int hl;
    int hr;

    hl = (p && p->lchild) ? p->lchild->height : 0;
    hr = (p && p->rchild) ? p->rchild->height : 0;

    return hl - hr;

Node* AVL::LLRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pl = p->lchild;
    Node* plr = pl->rchild;

    pl->rchild = p;
    p->lchild = plr;

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    pl->height = NodeHeight(pl);

    // Update root
    if (root == p){
        root = pl;
    return pl;

Node* AVL::RRRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pr = p->rchild;
    Node* prl = pr->lchild;

    pr->lchild = p;
    p->rchild = prl;

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    pr->height = NodeHeight(pr);

    // Update root
    if (root == p){
        root = pr;
    return pr;

Node* AVL::LRRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pl = p->lchild;
    Node* plr = pl->rchild;

    pl->rchild = plr->lchild;
    p->lchild = plr->rchild;

    plr->lchild = pl;
    plr->rchild = p;

    // Update height
    pl->height = NodeHeight(pl);
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    plr->height = NodeHeight(plr);

    // Update root
    if (p == root){
        root = plr;
    return plr;

Node* AVL::RLRotation(Node *p) {
    Node* pr = p->rchild;
    Node* prl = pr->lchild;

    pr->lchild = prl->rchild;
    p->rchild = prl->lchild;

    prl->rchild = pr;
    prl->lchild = p;

    // Update height
    pr->height = NodeHeight(pr);
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);
    prl->height = NodeHeight(prl);

    // Update root
    if (root == p){
        root = prl;
    return prl;

Node* AVL::InPre(Node *p) {
    while (p && p->rchild != nullptr){
        p = p->rchild;
    return p;

Node* AVL::InSucc(Node *p) {
    while (p && p->lchild != nullptr){
        p = p->lchild;
    return p;

Node* AVL::rInsert(Node *p, int key) {
    Node* t;
    if (p == nullptr){
        t = new Node;
        t->data = key;
        t->lchild = nullptr;
        t->rchild = nullptr;
        t->height = 1;  // Starting height from 1 onwards instead of 0
        return t;

    if (key < p->data){
        p->lchild = rInsert(p->lchild, key);
    } else if (key > p->data){
        p->rchild = rInsert(p->rchild, key);

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);

    // Balance Factor and Rotation
    if (BalanceFactor(p) == 2 && BalanceFactor(p->lchild) == 1) {
        return LLRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == 2 && BalanceFactor(p->lchild) == -1){
        return LRRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == -2 && BalanceFactor(p->rchild) == -1){
        return RRRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == -2 && BalanceFactor(p->rchild) == 1){
        return RLRotation(p);

    return p;

void AVL::Inorder(Node *p) {
    if (p){
        cout << p->data << ", " << flush;

Node* AVL::Delete(Node *p, int key) {
    if (p == nullptr){
        return nullptr;

    if (p->lchild == nullptr && p->rchild == nullptr){
        if (p == root){
            root = nullptr;
        delete p;
        return nullptr;

    if (key < p->data){
        p->lchild = Delete(p->lchild, key);
    } else if (key > p->data){
        p->rchild = Delete(p->rchild, key);
    } else {
        Node* q;
        if (NodeHeight(p->lchild) > NodeHeight(p->rchild)){
            q = InPre(p->lchild);
            p->data = q->data;
            p->lchild = Delete(p->lchild, q->data);
        } else {
            q = InSucc(p->rchild);
            p->data = q->data;
            p->rchild = Delete(p->rchild, q->data);

    // Update height
    p->height = NodeHeight(p);

    // Balance Factor and Rotation
    if (BalanceFactor(p) == 2 && BalanceFactor(p->lchild) == 1) {  // L1 Rotation
        return LLRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == 2 && BalanceFactor(p->lchild) == -1){  // L-1 Rotation
        return LRRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == -2 && BalanceFactor(p->rchild) == -1){  // R-1 Rotation
        return RRRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == -2 && BalanceFactor(p->rchild) == 1){  // R1 Rotation
        return RLRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == 2 && BalanceFactor(p->lchild) == 0){  // L0 Rotation
        return LLRotation(p);
    } else if (BalanceFactor(p) == -2 && BalanceFactor(p->rchild) == 0){  // R0 Rotation
        return RRRotation(p);

    return p;

int main() {

    AVL tree;

    int A[] = {10, 20, 30, 25, 28, 27, 5};
    for (int i=0; i<sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]); i++){
        tree.root = tree.rInsert(tree.root, A[i]);

    cout << endl;

    tree.Delete(tree.root, 28);

    cout << endl;

    return 0;
