for Robot Artificial Inteligence

Vector vs Deque vs Queue


  1. Vector
    • Vector get allocate address to each element in certain size or when push back automatcially in serial.
    • that’s why it works acces kind of below
std::vector<int> tmp(10,0);
tmp[4] = 4; = 5;
  • can access through address.

  • therefore, when use need to erase, insert it Big O is O(n), because we need to pull element all back or front depending on using insert or erase function.

  • recommend use it when you only need built once and read.

  1. Dequeu
    • it has stack and queue function
    • but it is list type.(double list(node))
    • they are not allocated element in memory in serial, that’s why the above method is not works
    • list type literally use iteration to access node(data).
std::deque<int> tmp(0,10);
auto itr = tmp.begin();
int tmp2 = *(itr + 4);
// get idx 4 element
  • it is much more efficent than vector when you need to insert and erase often.
  • but when you need to read often then not recommend use it.
  1. quque
  • it literally working quque.
  • it is also list type container.
  • everything is similiar dequeue.
