32. Computer Programming
20 May 2020 | CS
Computer Programming and program instructions
- Information Technology(IT) is the science which is concerned with the technologies used to convert the data in to useful Information. information is a processed data that has been converted into a meaningful and useful texts.
A computer program is a set of statements written in a computer programming language which directs the computer hardware to perform specific tasks.
A computer program can be written in any programming language depending upon the purpose and type of the software being developed.
the programming languages are generally classified as high and low level language. the higher level programming language is human readable and the lower level programming laguange is machine readable
the high level languages are more human readable the low level languages provide least abstraction and therefore it is relatively difficult to read and write program in low level language such as assembly language.
the program execution speed is higher for programs written in low level language whereas the program written in high level language have relatively lower execution speed.
A computer program is written to solve a particular problem. for example program to add two numbers.
A computer program mainly deals with the program statements and data. each program statement commands the computer to perform a specific task such as arithmetic calculations, logical decisions or assigning values to program variables. A computer program may contain number of such statements which are executed in sequential order.
A computer program is a set of statements written using a programming language. Each programming language is based on a set of rules and principle. Each program statement must be written as per the language rules.
in computer science, the syntax of a programming language is the set of there rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be a correctly structed.
A computer program consist of number of program statements and each these statement corresponds to the specific instruction for the processor to perform specific task. each of these program statement is constructed by using programming language reserved keywords and symbols(such as (),{},[]). each programming language has a set of rules that define the correct order to construct a program statement. this set of rules is referred as programming language syntax.
the programming language syntax is enforced during program compilation stage. each program statement is verified by a compiler which is special program used to convert the high level program to low level program in binary that is directly executable by the CPU
A program must be syntactically correct else program will not be compiled and a programmer is constrained to make necessary corrections.
Computer Programming and program instructions
- Information Technology(IT) is the science which is concerned with the technologies used to convert the data in to useful Information. information is a processed data that has been converted into a meaningful and useful texts.
A computer program is a set of statements written in a computer programming language which directs the computer hardware to perform specific tasks.
A computer program can be written in any programming language depending upon the purpose and type of the software being developed.
the programming languages are generally classified as high and low level language. the higher level programming language is human readable and the lower level programming laguange is machine readable
the high level languages are more human readable the low level languages provide least abstraction and therefore it is relatively difficult to read and write program in low level language such as assembly language.
the program execution speed is higher for programs written in low level language whereas the program written in high level language have relatively lower execution speed.
A computer program is written to solve a particular problem. for example program to add two numbers.
A computer program mainly deals with the program statements and data. each program statement commands the computer to perform a specific task such as arithmetic calculations, logical decisions or assigning values to program variables. A computer program may contain number of such statements which are executed in sequential order.
A computer program is a set of statements written using a programming language. Each programming language is based on a set of rules and principle. Each program statement must be written as per the language rules.
in computer science, the syntax of a programming language is the set of there rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be a correctly structed.
A computer program consist of number of program statements and each these statement corresponds to the specific instruction for the processor to perform specific task. each of these program statement is constructed by using programming language reserved keywords and symbols(such as (),{},[]). each programming language has a set of rules that define the correct order to construct a program statement. this set of rules is referred as programming language syntax.
the programming language syntax is enforced during program compilation stage. each program statement is verified by a compiler which is special program used to convert the high level program to low level program in binary that is directly executable by the CPU
A program must be syntactically correct else program will not be compiled and a programmer is constrained to make necessary corrections.