4. Google tests, Namespaces, Classes
30 May 2020 | Modern C++
Use GTest(Google Test) to test your functions
- Catch bugs early to fix them with less pain
- Testing is crucial to catch bugs early
- Tested functions are easier to trust
- For every function write at least two tests
- One for normal cases
- One for extreme cases
- Make writing tests a habit
How do tests look?
- A single dummy Google test:
TEST(TestModule , FunctionName ) {
EXPECT_EQ (4, FunctionName ());
- Successful output:

Add GTests with CMake
- Install GTest source files (build them later):
- sudo apt install libgtest-dev
- Add folder tests to your CMake project:
# Must be in the top-most CMakeLists.txt file
enable_testing ()
# Outsource tests to another folder
Configure tests
# Add gtest sources folder. Provides gtest , gtest_main.
include(CTest) # Include testing cmake package.
# Set binary name for convenience.
# This is an executable that runs the tests.
add_executable(${TEST_BINARY} test_tools.cpp)
# Link the executable to needed libraries.
tools # Library we are testing
gtest gtest_main # GTest libraries
# Add gtest to be able to run ctest
Run your tests
- Build your code just like before
- Add one additional step after building
cd <project_folder>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
ctest -VV
- Helps avoiding name conflicts
- Group the project into logical modules
Namespaces example
#include <iostream>
namespace boring{
int GetMeaningOfLife() {return 0;}
namespace fun{
int GetMeaningOfLife() {return 42;}
int main () {
std :: cout << "The answer to everything is not "
<< boring :: GetMeaningOfLife () << " but "
<< fun :: GetMeaningOfLife () << std :: endl;
return 0;
Avoid using namespace
#include <cmath >
#include <iostream >
using namespace std; // std namespace is used
// Self -defined function power shadows std::pow
double pow(double x, int exp) {
double res = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < exp; i++) { res * = x; }
cout << "Our cool power function\n";
return (res);
int main () {
double x = 2.0;
int power = 2;
double res = pow(x, power);
cout << x << " ^ " << power << " = " << res << endl;
return 0;
Namespace error
Only use what you need
#include <cmath >
#include <iostream >
using std::cout; // Explicitly use cout, std 네임스페이스에서 오직 cout만 쓰게한다
using std::endl; // Explicitly use cout, std 네임스페이스에서 오직 endl만 쓰게한다
// Self -defined function power shadows std::pow
double pow(double x, int exp) {
double res = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < exp; i++) { res * = x; }
cout << "Our cool power function\n";
return (res);
int main () {
double x = 2.0;
int power = 2;
double res = pow(x, power);
cout << x << " ^ " << power << " = " << res << endl;
return 0;
Namespaces Wrap Up
Use namespaces to avoid name conflicts
namespace some_name {
<your_code >
} // namespace some_name
Use using correctly
- [good]
- using my_namespace::myFunc;
- my_namespace::myFunc(…);
- Never use using namespace name in * .h files
- Prefer using explicit using even in * .cpp files
Nameless namespaces
- If you find yourself relying on some contstants in a file and these constants should not be seen in any other file, put them into a nameless namespace on the top of this file(Local variable of certain file)
namespace {
const int kLocalImportantInt = 13;
const float kLocalImportantFloat = 13.0f;
Create new types with classes and structs
- Classes are used to encapsulate data along with methods to process them
- Every class or struct defines a new type
- Terminology:
- Type or class to talk about the defined type
- A variable of such type is an instance of class or an object
- asses allow C++ to be used as an Object Oriented Programming language
- string, vector, etc. are all classes
Example Class definition
class Image{
Image(const std::string& file_name);
void Draw();
int rows_ = 0;
int cols_ = 0;
int main () {
Image image("some_image.pgm");
image.Draw ();
return 0;
Classes syntax
- Definition starts with the keyword class
- Classes have three access modifiers: private, protected and public
- By default everything is private
- Classes can contain data and functions
- Access members with a “.”
- Have two types of special functions:
- Contructors: called upon creation of an instance of the class in stack memory
- Destructor: called upon destruction of an instance of the class in stack memory
- GOOGLE-STYLE Use CamelCase for class name
What about structs?
- Definition starts with the keyword struct:
struct ExampleStruct {
Type value;
Type value;
Type value;
// No functions!
- struct is a class where everything is public
- GOOGLE-STYLE Use struct as a simple data container, if it needs a function it should be a class instead
Always initialize structs using braced initialization
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Define a structure.
struct NamedInt {
int num;
string name;
void PrintStruct (const NamedInt& s) {
cout << s.name << " " << s.num << endl;
int main(int argc , char const* argv []) {
NamedInt var = {1, "hello"};
PrintStruct (var);
PrintStruct ({10 , "world"});
return 0;
Data stored in a class
- Classes can store data of any type
- GOOGLE-STYLE All data must be private
- GOOGLE-STYLE Use snake_case_ with a trailing “_ “ for private data members
- Data should be set in the Constructor
- Cleanup data in the Destructor if needed
Constructors and Destructor
- Classes always have at least one Constructor and exactly one Destructor
- Constructors crash course:
- Are functions with no return type
- Named exactly as the class
- There can be many constructors
- If there is no explicit constructor an implicit default constructor will be generated
- Destructor for class SomeClass:
- Is a function named ~SomeClass()
- Last function called in the lifetime of an object
- Generated automatically if not explicitly defined
Many ways to create instances
class SomeClass {
SomeClass (); // Default constructor.
SomeClass (int a); // Custom constructor.
SomeClass (int a, float b); // Custom constructor.
~ SomeClass (); // Destructor.
// How to use them?
int main () {
SomeClass var_1; // Default constructor
SomeClass var_2 (10); // Custom constructor
// Type is checked when using {} braces. Use them!
SomeClass var_3 {10}; // Custom constructor
SomeClass var_4 = {10}; // Same as var_3
SomeClass var_5 {10, 10.0}; // Custom constructor
SomeClass var_6 = {10, 10.0}; // Same as var_5
return 0;
Setting and getting data
- Use initializer list to initialize data
- Name getter functions as the private member they return
- Make getters const
- Avoid setters, set data in the constructor
class Student {
Student(int id , string name): id_{id}, name_{name} {} //initilized
int id() const { return id_; }//input parameter convert into data variable of class
const string& name () const { return name_; }
int id_;
string name_;
Const correctness
- const after function states that this function does not change the object
- Mark all functions that should not change the state of the object as const
- Ensures that we can pass objects by a const reference and still call their functions
- Substantially reduces number of errors
Typical const error
Declaration and definition
- Data members belong to declaration
- Class methods can be defined elsewhere
- Class name becomes part of function name
// Declare class.
class SomeClass {
SomeClass ();
int var () const;
void DoSmth ();
int var_ = 0;
// Define all methods.
SomeClass :: SomeClass () {}
int SomeClass :: var () const { return var_; }
void SomeClass :: DoSmth () {}
Always initialize members for classes
- C++11 allows to initialize variables in-place
- Do not initialize them in the constructor
- No need for an explicit default constructor
class Student {
// No need for default constructor.
// Getters and functions omitted.
int earned_points_ = 0;
float happiness_ = 1.0f;
- Note: Leave the members of structs uninitialized as defining them forbids using brace initialization
Classes as modules
- Prefer encapsulating information that belongs together into a class
- Separate declaration and definition of the class into header and source files
- Typically, class SomeClass is declared in some_class.h and is defined in some_class.cpp
Cpp Core Guidelines:
Git guide:
C++ Tutorial:
Book: Code Complete 2 by Steve McConnell
Modern CMake Tutorial
Compiler Explorer:
CMake website:
Gdbgui tutorial:
Use GTest(Google Test) to test your functions
- Catch bugs early to fix them with less pain
- Testing is crucial to catch bugs early
- Tested functions are easier to trust
- For every function write at least two tests
- One for normal cases
- One for extreme cases
- Make writing tests a habit
How do tests look?
- A single dummy Google test:
TEST(TestModule , FunctionName ) { EXPECT_EQ (4, FunctionName ()); }
- Successful output:
Add GTests with CMake
- Install GTest source files (build them later):
- sudo apt install libgtest-dev
- Add folder tests to your CMake project:
# Must be in the top-most CMakeLists.txt file enable_testing () # Outsource tests to another folder add_subdirectory(tests)
Configure tests
# Add gtest sources folder. Provides gtest , gtest_main.
include(CTest) # Include testing cmake package.
# Set binary name for convenience.
# This is an executable that runs the tests.
add_executable(${TEST_BINARY} test_tools.cpp)
# Link the executable to needed libraries.
tools # Library we are testing
gtest gtest_main # GTest libraries
# Add gtest to be able to run ctest
Run your tests
- Build your code just like before
- Add one additional step after building
cd <project_folder> mkdir build cd build cmake .. make ctest -VV
- Helps avoiding name conflicts
- Group the project into logical modules
Namespaces example
#include <iostream>
namespace boring{
int GetMeaningOfLife() {return 0;}
namespace fun{
int GetMeaningOfLife() {return 42;}
int main () {
std :: cout << "The answer to everything is not "
<< boring :: GetMeaningOfLife () << " but "
<< fun :: GetMeaningOfLife () << std :: endl;
return 0;
Avoid using namespace
#include <cmath >
#include <iostream >
using namespace std; // std namespace is used
// Self -defined function power shadows std::pow
double pow(double x, int exp) {
double res = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < exp; i++) { res * = x; }
cout << "Our cool power function\n";
return (res);
int main () {
double x = 2.0;
int power = 2;
double res = pow(x, power);
cout << x << " ^ " << power << " = " << res << endl;
return 0;
Namespace error
Only use what you need
#include <cmath >
#include <iostream >
using std::cout; // Explicitly use cout, std 네임스페이스에서 오직 cout만 쓰게한다
using std::endl; // Explicitly use cout, std 네임스페이스에서 오직 endl만 쓰게한다
// Self -defined function power shadows std::pow
double pow(double x, int exp) {
double res = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < exp; i++) { res * = x; }
cout << "Our cool power function\n";
return (res);
int main () {
double x = 2.0;
int power = 2;
double res = pow(x, power);
cout << x << " ^ " << power << " = " << res << endl;
return 0;
Namespaces Wrap Up
Use namespaces to avoid name conflicts
namespace some_name {
<your_code >
} // namespace some_name
Use using correctly
- [good]
- using my_namespace::myFunc;
- my_namespace::myFunc(…);
- Never use using namespace name in * .h files
- Prefer using explicit using even in * .cpp files
Nameless namespaces
- If you find yourself relying on some contstants in a file and these constants should not be seen in any other file, put them into a nameless namespace on the top of this file(Local variable of certain file)
namespace {
const int kLocalImportantInt = 13;
const float kLocalImportantFloat = 13.0f;
Create new types with classes and structs
- Classes are used to encapsulate data along with methods to process them
- Every class or struct defines a new type
- Terminology:
- Type or class to talk about the defined type
- A variable of such type is an instance of class or an object
- asses allow C++ to be used as an Object Oriented Programming language
- string, vector, etc. are all classes
Example Class definition
class Image{
Image(const std::string& file_name);
void Draw();
int rows_ = 0;
int cols_ = 0;
int main () {
Image image("some_image.pgm");
image.Draw ();
return 0;
Classes syntax
- Definition starts with the keyword class
- Classes have three access modifiers: private, protected and public
- By default everything is private
- Classes can contain data and functions
- Access members with a “.”
- Have two types of special functions:
- Contructors: called upon creation of an instance of the class in stack memory
- Destructor: called upon destruction of an instance of the class in stack memory
- GOOGLE-STYLE Use CamelCase for class name
What about structs?
- Definition starts with the keyword struct:
struct ExampleStruct { Type value; Type value; Type value; // No functions! };
- struct is a class where everything is public
- GOOGLE-STYLE Use struct as a simple data container, if it needs a function it should be a class instead
Always initialize structs using braced initialization
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Define a structure.
struct NamedInt {
int num;
string name;
void PrintStruct (const NamedInt& s) {
cout << s.name << " " << s.num << endl;
int main(int argc , char const* argv []) {
NamedInt var = {1, "hello"};
PrintStruct (var);
PrintStruct ({10 , "world"});
return 0;
Data stored in a class
- Classes can store data of any type
- GOOGLE-STYLE All data must be private
- GOOGLE-STYLE Use snake_case_ with a trailing “_ “ for private data members
- Data should be set in the Constructor
- Cleanup data in the Destructor if needed
Constructors and Destructor
- Classes always have at least one Constructor and exactly one Destructor
- Constructors crash course:
- Are functions with no return type
- Named exactly as the class
- There can be many constructors
- If there is no explicit constructor an implicit default constructor will be generated
- Destructor for class SomeClass:
- Is a function named ~SomeClass()
- Last function called in the lifetime of an object
- Generated automatically if not explicitly defined
Many ways to create instances
class SomeClass {
SomeClass (); // Default constructor.
SomeClass (int a); // Custom constructor.
SomeClass (int a, float b); // Custom constructor.
~ SomeClass (); // Destructor.
// How to use them?
int main () {
SomeClass var_1; // Default constructor
SomeClass var_2 (10); // Custom constructor
// Type is checked when using {} braces. Use them!
SomeClass var_3 {10}; // Custom constructor
SomeClass var_4 = {10}; // Same as var_3
SomeClass var_5 {10, 10.0}; // Custom constructor
SomeClass var_6 = {10, 10.0}; // Same as var_5
return 0;
Setting and getting data
- Use initializer list to initialize data
- Name getter functions as the private member they return
- Make getters const
- Avoid setters, set data in the constructor
class Student {
Student(int id , string name): id_{id}, name_{name} {} //initilized
int id() const { return id_; }//input parameter convert into data variable of class
const string& name () const { return name_; }
int id_;
string name_;
Const correctness
- const after function states that this function does not change the object
- Mark all functions that should not change the state of the object as const
- Ensures that we can pass objects by a const reference and still call their functions
- Substantially reduces number of errors
Typical const error
Declaration and definition
- Data members belong to declaration
- Class methods can be defined elsewhere
- Class name becomes part of function name
// Declare class.
class SomeClass {
SomeClass ();
int var () const;
void DoSmth ();
int var_ = 0;
// Define all methods.
SomeClass :: SomeClass () {}
int SomeClass :: var () const { return var_; }
void SomeClass :: DoSmth () {}
Always initialize members for classes
- C++11 allows to initialize variables in-place
- Do not initialize them in the constructor
- No need for an explicit default constructor
class Student { public: // No need for default constructor. // Getters and functions omitted. private: int earned_points_ = 0; float happiness_ = 1.0f; };
- Note: Leave the members of structs uninitialized as defining them forbids using brace initialization
Classes as modules
- Prefer encapsulating information that belongs together into a class
- Separate declaration and definition of the class into header and source files
- Typically, class SomeClass is declared in some_class.h and is defined in some_class.cpp
Cpp Core Guidelines: https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines
Git guide: http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/
C++ Tutorial: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Book: Code Complete 2 by Steve McConnell
Modern CMake Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC9-iRN2b04
Compiler Explorer: https://godbolt.org/ Gdbgui: https://www.gdbgui.com/ CMake website: https://cmake.org/ Gdbgui tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=em842geJhfk