for Robot Artificial Inteligence

8. Gradient Methods


1. Gradient Methods Introduction

  • we consider a class of search methods for real-valued functions on Rn
  • we use terms like level sets, normal vectors, tangent vectors, and so on
  • Recall that a level set of a function f:Rn -> R is the set of points x satisfying f(x) = c for some constant c.
  • simple and intuitive
  • every iteration is inexpensive
  • does not require second derivatives
  • extensions: nonsmooth optimization, combining with duality splitting, coordinate descent, alternating direction, stochastic, online learning
  • suitable for large-scale problem, parallelization

2. Geometric interpretation of gradients and gradient descent

  • ∇f(x0),if it is not zero, is orthogonal to the tangent of the level set curves of f passing x0 on the level set f(x) = c, point outward(点向外)
  • Thus, the direction of maximum rate of increase of a real-valued differentiable function at a point is orthogonal to the level set of the function through that point.
  • In other words, the gradient acts in such a direction that for a given small displacement, the function f increases more in the direction of the gradient than in any other direction
  • To prove this statement, recall that <∇f(x),d>, IIdII = 1, is the rate of increase of f in the direction d at the point x By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,

  • Thus, the direction in which ∇f(x) points the direction of maximum rate of increase of f at x.
  • The direction in which —∇f(x) points is the direction of maximum rate of decrease of f at x.
  • Hence, the direction of negative gradient is a good direction to search if we want to find a function minimizer

  • We refer to the above as a gradient descent algorithm (or simply a gradient algorithm).
  • The gradient varies as the search proceeds, tending to zero as we approach the minimizer.
  • We have the option of either taking very small steps and re-evaluating the gradient at every step, or we can take large steps each time.
  • The first approach results in a laborious method of reaching the minimizer, whereas the second approach may result in a more zigzag path to the minimizer.

  • The advantage of the second approach is a possibly fewer number of the gradient evaluations.
  • Among many different methods that use the above philosophy(思想体系) the most popular is the method of steepest descent
  • Gradient methods are simple to implement and often perform well.

3. Descent direction

4. Classical Gradient Method

  • Small stepsizes: iterations are more likely converge, but it might requires more iteration and thus evaluations of ∇f
  • Large step sizes: better use of ∇f(x) and it may reduce the total number of iterations, but it can cause oversmoothing and zig-zags which lead to divergent iterations
  • Choice of stepsizes: fixed: k constant; 1D line search (backtracking, exact, Barzilai-Borwein with nonmonotone line search)

5. Stopping Criteria

6. Calculation of Gradients

  • Analytic form: use pen and paper or Mathematica/Matlab

7. The method of steepest descent

  • Also known as gradient descent with exact line search
  • The method of steepest descent is a gradient algorithm where the step size αk is chosen to achieve the maximum amount of decrease of the objective function at each individual step.
  • Stepsize αk is determined by

  • For quadratic program, αk has closed form.
  • For problem with inexpensive evaluation values but expensive gradient evaluations
  • To summarize, the steepest descent algorithm proceeds as follows: at each step, starting from the point xk, we conduct a line search in the direction -∇f(xk) until a minimizer, x^(k+1),is found.

8. orthogonality

9. Function Decreasing

  • relative(比较的)

10. Steepest descent for quadratic programming

11. Convergence for quadratic programming

  • The method of steepest descent is an example of an iterative algorithm.
  • This means that the algorithm generates a sequence of points, each calculated on the basis of the points preceding it.
  • The method is a descent method because as each new point is generated by the algorithm, the corresponding value of the objective function decreases in value (i.e., the algorithm possesses the descent property).
  • We say that an iterative algorithm is globally convergent if for any arbitrary starting point the algorithm is guaranteed to generate a sequence of points converging to a point that satisfies the FONC for a minimizer.
  • When the algorithm is not globally convergent, it may still generate a sequence that converges to a point satisfying the FONC, provided the initial point is sufficiently close to the point.
  • In this case, we say that the algorithm is locally convergent.
  • How close to a solution point we need to start for the algorithm to converge depends on the local convergence properties of the algorithm.
  • related issue of interest pertaining to a given locally or globally convergent algorithm is the rate of convergence; that is, how fast the algorithm converges to a solution point.
