understanding cmake by experience and error(0)
18 Dec 2022 | Programming
CMAKE 에서 역할
well written about CMAKE!
Sub_Directory: cmake inside of Cmakelist of third party library.
Bag of words library
SIFT feature library
Set Role : To define a variable inside a script, use the [set](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/set.html)
set( DBoW2_INCLUDE_DIRS “${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/DBoW2/include/”) # “/usr/local/include”)
set( DBoW2_LIBS DBoW2) # “/usr/local/lib/libDBoW2.so”)
set( EZSIFT_INCLUDE_DIRS “${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/ezSIFT/include/” )
set( EZSIFT_LIBS ezsift) # “${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/ezSIFT/platforms/desktop/build/lib/libezsift.so”)
라이브러리나, 인클루드를 사용자에 의해 지정을 해줄 수 있다.
Sub Directoy를 통해 Library의 lib을 읽는다.
beware, catkin_make read once all cmakelist inside of ws, and if read same library of add_subdirectory in many package, it will cause compile error. add_subdirectoy once is enough.
beware when add_subdirecoty written once on some pacakge, using “Set” to get include and lib of library that you need to specific package.
Catkin_Make, Beware
when you do catkin_make on some workspace, you might get some error about conflicting library name(duplicated when it read all the cmakelist in workspace.
- please check packages that add_subidrectory has been written another package.
- if that so, only remain one, please disable the add_subidrecoty line.
CMAKE 에서 역할
well written about CMAKE!
Sub_Directory: cmake inside of Cmakelist of third party library.
Bag of words library
SIFT feature library
Set Role : To define a variable inside a script, use the [set](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/set.html)
set( DBoW2_INCLUDE_DIRS “${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/DBoW2/include/”) # “/usr/local/include”)
set( DBoW2_LIBS DBoW2) # “/usr/local/lib/libDBoW2.so”)
set( EZSIFT_INCLUDE_DIRS “${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/ezSIFT/include/” )
set( EZSIFT_LIBS ezsift) # “${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/ezSIFT/platforms/desktop/build/lib/libezsift.so”)
라이브러리나, 인클루드를 사용자에 의해 지정을 해줄 수 있다.
Sub Directoy를 통해 Library의 lib을 읽는다.
beware, catkin_make read once all cmakelist inside of ws, and if read same library of add_subdirectory in many package, it will cause compile error. add_subdirectoy once is enough.
beware when add_subdirecoty written once on some pacakge, using “Set” to get include and lib of library that you need to specific package.
Catkin_Make, Beware
when you do catkin_make on some workspace, you might get some error about conflicting library name(duplicated when it read all the cmakelist in workspace.
- please check packages that add_subidrectory has been written another package.
- if that so, only remain one, please disable the add_subidrecoty line.