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for Robot Artificial Inteligence

8. Tic-Tac-Toe


1. Outline

  • play_game(p1,p2,env)
  • USE OOP approach

2. representing States

  • last post, I told you this would be an O(1) lookup (as in an array )
  • Possible solution: Convert the board to tuple of tuples, use as dictionary Key
  • Better: Map Each state to a number, use numpy array

3. Mapping state to a number

  • there are 3 state, “O”, “X”, “Empty”
  • 9 array so all possible state is 3^9 = 19683
  • overhead not a problem, these states are unreachable(e.g. 3x’s in a row and 3o’s in a row on the same board)
  • Should remind us of binary numbers(2 Possible symbols in each location vs 3)
  • binary to decimal(小数):
  • For us:

In code

for i in xrange(Length):
  for j in xrange(Length):
    if self.board[i,j] == 0:
      v = 0
    elif self.board[i,j] == self.x:
      v = 1
    elif self.board[i,j] == self.o:
      v = 2
    h + = (3**k)*v
    k + = 1

4. Initializing the value function

  • Recall, we initialize V(s) as :
    • 1 if s == winning terminal state
    • 0 if s == lose or draw terminal state
    • 0.5 otherwise
  • how do we find all the “s”?

5. Enumerating state

  • lets think which is better ? 1) Create a “game tree “ of all possible in the game? 2) Create a permutation(排列) of all possible settings of all possible positions on the board?

Game Tree

  • Problem : redundant states
  • i.e. see the same state more than once in the tree

Start: 9 choices then: 8 choices then: 7 choices ….

9! = 362880 » 3^9


  • How? think binary first:
  • Generate permutation of Length N:

    0 + Generate permutation of length N -1
    1 + Generate Permutation of Length N - 1

 def generate_all_binary_numbers(N):
   results = {}
   child_results = generate_all_binary_numbers(N-1)
   for prefix in ('0', '1'):
     for suffix in child_results:
       new_result = prefix + suffix
   return results

(base case not shown for simplicity)
  • if don’t get about this please check in here

Enumerating States Recursively

  • that is all combinations of inputs an programs that halt
  • Function: get_state_hash_and_winner
  • Returns : List of triples(state, winner, ended)
  • state : configuration of the board as a hashed int
  • Winner is None if ended is False (즉 승자가 나올떄 까지 계속 돈다)
  • inputs : env, i, j
  max_length = max_length +1
  for each program "P" of length <= max_length: # P is finite
    for each input "I" of length <= max_length:
      if "env" halts on 'I' after max_length steps:
        print P,I


  • In order to initialize V(s) to our desired values, we must enumerate all the states
  • we can either search the game tree(9!) or find board permutations(39)
  • 9! is super-exponential
  • Enumerating game states Recursively
  • initializing V(s) is different for X and O

6. The Environment Class(Code)

Method: __init__() : #initialize Important instance vars
is_empthy(i,j): # returns true if(i,j) is empty


class Environment:
  def __init__(self):
    self.board = np.zeros((length, length))
    self.x = -1 # represents an x on the board, player 1
    self.o = 1 # represents an o on the board player 2
    self.winner = None
    self.ended = False
    self.num_states = 3**(length*length)


def is_empthy(self, i, j):
  return self.board[i,j] == 0


def reward(self, sym):
  # no reward until game is over
  if not self.game_over():
    return 0
  # if we get here, game is over
  # sym will be self.x or self.o
  return 1 if self.winner == sym else 0


def get_state(self):
  # returns the current state, represented as an int
  # from 0...|S|-1, where S = set of all possible states
  # |S| = 3^(BOARD SIZE), since each cell can have 3 possible values - empty, x, o
  # some states are not possible, e.g. all cells are x, but we ignore that detail
  # this is like finding the integer represented by a base-3 number
  k = 0
  h = 0
  for i in range(LENGTH):
    for j in range(LENGTH):
      if self.board[i,j] == 0:
        v = 0
      elif self.board[i,j] == self.x:
        v = 1
      elif self.board[i,j] == self.o:
        v = 2
      h += (3**k) * v # Value Funtion
      k += 1
  return h


def game_over(self, force_recalculate==False):
  if not force_recalculate and self.ended:
    return self.ended

    # check rows
    for i in range(LENGTH):
      for player in (self.x, self.o):
        if self.board[i].sum() == player*LENGTH:
          self.winner = player
          self.ended = True
          return True

    # check columns
    for j in range(LENGTH):
      for player in (self.x, self.o):
        if self.board[:,j].sum() == player*LENGTH:
          self.winner = player
          self.ended = True
          return True

    # check diagonals
    for player in (self.x, self.o):
      # top-left -> bottom-right diagonal
      if self.board.trace() == player*LENGTH:
        self.winner = player
        self.ended = True
        return True
      # top-right -> bottom-left diagonal
      if np.fliplr(self.board).trace() == player*LENGTH:
        self.winner = player
        self.ended = True
        return True

    # check if draw
    if np.all((self.board == 0) == False):
      # winner stays None
      self.winner = None
      self.ended = True
      return True

    # game is not over
    self.winner = None
    return False


def draw_board(self):
  for i in range(LENGTH):
    for j in range(LENGTH):
      print("  ", end="")
      if self.board[i,j] == self.x:
        print("x ", end="")
      elif self.board[i,j] == self.o:
        print("o ", end="")
        print("  ", end="")

7. The Agent class

  • Contains the AI
  • different from supervised/unsupervised ML, because we don’t just feed it data
  • it has to interact with the Environment
  • one-line update for V(s) is a very small part of the agent, yet responsible for 100% of its intelligence

The Agent Class

class Agent:
  def __init__(self, eps=0.1, alpha=0.5):
    self.eps = eps # probability of choosing random action instead of greedy
    self.alpha = alpha # learning rate
    self.verbose = False
    self.state_history = []

  def setV(self, V): # SetV is the allow us to initialize the value function
    self.V = V

  def set_symbol(self, sym): # symbol is allow us to give this agent a symbol that it'll use to play on the board
    self.sym = sym

  def set_verbose(self, v):
    # if true, will print values for each position on the board
    self.verbose = v

  def reset_history(self):
    self.state_history = []


def take_action(self, env):
  # choose an action based on epsilon-greedy strategy
  r = np.random.rand()
  best_state = None
  if r < self.eps:
    # take a random action
    if self.verbose:
      print("Taking a random action")

    possible_moves = []
    for i in range(LENGTH):
      for j in range(LENGTH):
        if env.is_empty(i, j):
          possible_moves.append((i, j))
    idx = np.random.choice(len(possible_moves))
    next_move = possible_moves[idx]
    # choose the best action based on current values of states
    # loop through all possible moves, get their values
    # keep track of the best value
    pos2value = {} # for debugging
    next_move = None
    best_value = -1
    for i in range(LENGTH):
      for j in range(LENGTH):
        if env.is_empty(i, j):
          # what is the state if we made this move?
          env.board[i,j] = self.sym
          state = env.get_state()
          env.board[i,j] = 0 # don't forget to change it back!
          pos2value[(i,j)] = self.V[state]
          if self.V[state] > best_value:
            best_value = self.V[state]
            best_state = state
            next_move = (i, j)

    # if verbose, draw the board w/ the values
    if self.verbose:
      print("Taking a greedy action")
      for i in range(LENGTH):
        for j in range(LENGTH):
          if env.is_empty(i, j):
            # print the value
            print(" %.2f|" % pos2value[(i,j)], end="")
            print("  ", end="")
            if env.board[i,j] == env.x:
              print("x  |", end="")
            elif env.board[i,j] == env.o:
              print("o  |", end="")
              print("   |", end="")

  # make the move
  env.board[next_move[0], next_move[1]] = self.sym


def update_state_history(self, s):
  # cannot put this in take_action, because take_action only happens
  # once every other iteration for each player
  # state history needs to be updated every iteration
  # s = env.get_state() # don't want to do this twice so pass it in


def update(self, env):
  # we want to BACKTRACK over the states, so that:
  # V(prev_state) = V(prev_state) + alpha*(V(next_state) - V(prev_state))
  # where V(next_state) = reward if it's the most current state
  # NOTE: we ONLY do this at the end of an episode
  # not so for all the algorithms we will study
  reward = env.reward(self.sym)
  target = reward
  for prev in reversed(self.state_history):
    value = self.V[prev] + self.alpha*(target - self.V[prev])
    self.V[prev] = value
    target = value

8. The Human Class(Code)

Human class

class Human:
  def __init__(self):

  def set_symbol(self, sym):
    self.sym = sym

  def take_action(self, env):
    while True:
      # break if we make a legal move
      move = input("Enter coordinates i,j for your next move (i,j=0..2): ")
      i, j = move.split(',')
      i = int(i)
      j = int(j)
      if env.is_empty(i, j):
        env.board[i,j] = self.sym

  def update(self, env):

  def update_state_history(self, s):

# recursive function that will return all
# possible states (as ints) and who the corresponding winner is for those states (if any)
# (i, j) refers to the next cell on the board to permute (we need to try -1, 0, 1)
# impossible games are ignored, i.e. 3x's and 3o's in a row simultaneously
# since that will never happen in a real game

play games

def play_game(p1, p2, env, draw=False):
  # loops until the game is over
  current_player = None
  while not env.game_over():
    # alternate between players
    # p1 always starts first
    if current_player == p1:
      current_player = p2
      current_player = p1

    # draw the board before the user who wants to see it makes a move
    if draw:
      if draw == 1 and current_player == p1:
      if draw == 2 and current_player == p2:

    # current player makes a move

    # update state histories
    state = env.get_state()

  if draw:

  # do the value function update


if __name__ == '__main__':
  # train the agent
  p1 = Agent()
  p2 = Agent()

  # set initial V for p1 and p2
  env = Environment()
  state_winner_triples = get_state_hash_and_winner(env)

  Vx = initialV_x(env, state_winner_triples)
  Vo = initialV_o(env, state_winner_triples)

  # give each player their symbol

  T = 10000 #train
  for t in range(T):
    if t % 200 == 0:
    play_game(p1, p2, Environment())

  # play human vs. agent
  # do you think the agent learned to play the game well?
  # human Verification
  human = Human()
  while True:
    play_game(p1, human, Environment(), draw=2)
    # I made the agent player 1 because I wanted to see if it would
    # select the center as its starting move. If you want the agent
    # to go second you can switch the human and AI.
    answer = input("Play again? [Y/n]: ")
    if answer and answer.lower()[0] == 'n':

9. Summary

  • Would not be able to increase intelligence by learning from experience
  • would not be generalizable to other Environments
  • Components of a RL system (Agent, Environment, state, action, reward)
  • Episodes, terminal states
  • Choosing rewards carefully
  • credit assignment(움직임에 따라 승리의 확율을 나타낸다)
  • Delayed Reward
  • Planning intelligently to maximize overall rewards
  • Value function
  • V(s) <- V(s) + α(V(s’)- V(s))

RL vs SL

  • why not use a supervised learning model that maps states -> actions directly
  • i.e model y = f(x) where x = state, y= action
  • how would we come up with labels?
  • very easy for state space to grow too large to enumerate
  • connect-4/ tic-tac-toe is probably the limit
  • imagine: HD graphics 60 FPS video game - we can’t even conceptualize how large the state space
  • thus, how could we create a label for every state?
  • Rewards are delayed(데이터가 없는 상태에서 액션을 즉시 선택하는 것은 올바르지 않기 때문에, 데이터를 쌓은 상태에서 액션을 취하려 Reward Delayed를 한다)
  • but in Rl value function has the “future” built into it
  • if doing SL, and somehow manage to get around a humongous(巨大的) state-space, how would we choose the right actions?
  • instead of letting the value function take care of measuring the future, we need to somehow keep track of what’s best for all future possibilities
  • Rewards can have component of randomness. (E.g same state gives reward of 1 or 0 )(E.g2. we study for our exam tomorrow, then there is a snow storm and our exam is canceled)
  • Next states can also be random
  • In RL, we are never told if a state-action pair is good or not
  • the only way we can find out is if we “discover” it ourselves by performing the action
  • RL is online. after each episode of tic-tac-toe, we get better
  • compare to decision tree - a tree is made based on entire training set
  • if we want to incorporate new data, start training all over again


Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning

Advance AI : Deep-Reinforcement Learning

Cutting-Edge Deep-Reinforcement Learning
