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for Robot Artificial Inteligence

9. Markov Decision Processes


Markov Decision Processes

  • this section: formalize some RL concepts we already know about
  • Agent, Environment, action, state, reward, episode
  • Formal Framework: Markov Decision Processes(MDPs)

1. Typical Game by solving MDPs is GridWord

  • possible actions:
  • up,down,left,right
  • (1,1) -> wall,can’t go here
  • (0,3) -> Terminal(+1 Reward)
  • (1,3) -> Terminal(-1 Reward)
  • 12 Positions(w x h = 3 x 4 = 12)
  • 11 states (where the robot is)
  • 4 actions

2. Markov Property

  • Given a sequence:
  • Generally, this can’t be simplified:
  • First-order Markov:
  • second-order Markov:
  • Simple Example ``` Consider the sentence : “Let’s do a simple example” Given:”let’s do a simple” Predict the new word? Easy

Given: “simple” Predict the next word? not as easy

Given: “a” predict the next word? very difficult

is the Markov Property limiting? Not necessarily ```

3. Markov Property in RL

  • {S(t), A(t)} produces 2 things -> {S(t+1),R(t+1)}
  • Markov Property:
  • Convenience notation
  • joint on s’ and r, conditioned on 2 other variables
  • different from “usual” Markov: 1 RV(Random Variable) Conditioned on 1 other RV

4. Other Conditional distributions

  • can be found using rules of probability
  • For pretty much all cases we’ll consider these will be deterministic
  • i.e. states will always give us the same reward
  • Action will always bring us to same next state
  • But, these distributions are part of the core theory of RL

5. Is the Markov Assumption limiting?

  • Not necessarily
  • Recent application: DeepMind used concatenation(一系列相关联的事物) of 4 most recent frames to represent state when playing Atari Games
  • State can be made up of anything from anytime past to current
  • Typically think of state right now = something we measure right now
  • Also, don’t need to use raw data(state can be features transformed from raw data)
  • Any input from agent’s sensors can be used to form state

6. Markov Decision Processes(MDPs)

  • Any RL task with a set of States, actions, and rewards, that follows the Markov Property, is a MDP
  • MDP is defined as the collection of
    • set of states
    • set of actions
    • set of rewards
    • State-Transition probability, Reward probability(as defined jointly(连带地) earlier)
    • Discount factor
  • Often written as a 5 tuples

7. Policy

  • One more piece to complete the puzzle - the policy(denoted by π)
  • Technically π is not part of the MDP itself, but it, along with the value function, form the solution
  • Left out until now because it’s a weird symbol
  • there’s no “equation” for it
  • how do we write epsilon-greedy as an equation? it’s more like an algorithm
  • the only exception is the Optimal policy, which can be defined in terms of the value function
  • think of π as shorthand for the algorithm the agent is using to navigate the environment

    8. State-Transition probability - p(s’|s,a)

  • State Diagram
  • p(s’ I s,a)
  • why is this stochastic? if i press “jump” button, doesn’t it always do the same thing?
  • Recall: state is only derived from what agent senses, it’s not the environment itself
  • State can be imperfect representation of environment
  • Ex) state could represent multiple configuration of environment
  • Ex) Blackjack - if we’re the agent, the dealer’s next card is not part of our state(but it is part of the environment)

9. Actions vs Environment

  • Typically we think of action like joystick inputs(up/down/left/right/jump) or Blackjack Moves(hit/stand)
  • Actions can be very board: how to distribute government funding
  • we are navigating an environment, we are the agent - what constitutes(구성하다) “us”?
  • Are our body? No
  • our body is part of the environment, our body doesn’t make decisions/learn
  • brain/mind does the learning

10. Total Reward & Future Reward

  • We are Interested in measuring total future reward
  • Everything from t+1 onward(继续的)
  • We call this the Return, G(t)
  • Note: does not count current reward R(t)

Future Reward

  • Imagine a very long task(thousands of steps)
  • is there a difference between getting a reward now, and getting the same reward 10 years from now?
  • think finance
  • 1000todayisworthlessthan 1000 10 years ago
  • Would you rather get 1000todayor1000 10 years from now? choose today

11. Discount Factor

  • Gamma = 1: don’t care how far is the future reward is, weight all equally
  • Gamma = 0: truly greedy, only try to maximize immediate reward
  • Usually we choose something close to 1, i.e 0.9
  • Short episode task: maybe don’t discount at all
  • “the further we look into the future, the harder it is to predict”

12. Merging Continuous and episode tasks

  • why count up to infinity? Aren’t we doing episodic tasks?
  • yes, but math is easier with infinity. so can make them technically equivalent(相等的)


  • (Epsilon Greedy는 주사위 한번 던져서 결정하고 그 action 다음번에 사용하는 것이 on Policy)
  • (Q-Learning은 다음 Step에서 실제로 사용할 action과 상관 없이 Max Q 취하기 때문에 off policy)
    • 각 지점에서 계속 최적값을 찾으면서 Future Reward 计算
    • 벨멘 방정식을 이용하여 반복적으로 Q함수를 근사시킬 수 있음
  • (Sarsa, 다음번에 게임에 넣어줄 action을 미리 계산해서 사용)
  • Reinforcement Learning Two Problem
    • Credit Assignment Problem
    • Exploration-exploitation
  • DQN Property
    • Target Q function
      • 학습 대상이 되는 Q함수가 학습이 되면서 계속 바뀌는 문제
      • Learning Q-Fucntion from Gradient Descent
      • 일정 스텝 될 때마다 Q 함수의 가중치를 타켓 Q함수에 업데이트
    • Replay Memory
      • 학습의 재료가 되는 Sample 저장소
      • 즉시 훈련하지 않고, 메로리 저장
      • 일정 수의 Samplr을 랜덤으로 꺼내 학습
    • Q-function made by ANN
      • DQN은 인공신경망으로 Policy function을 Approximate
    • Q function of DQN 특징
      1. Model Free :
        • 모델이 없고 샘플로 부터 직접적으로 정책을 근사화
        • 대부분 ANN을 활용한 훈련으로 Dimension Curse에 벗어난다.
      2. Off-Policy
        • Learn thing from another agent’s action
        • 타겟 정책과 행동 정책 나눈다.
        • Target policy : 우리가 강화학습 에이전트에게 가르치기 위한 기준이 되는 정책
        • 행동 Policy : 탐험을 하며 새로운 행동을 만들어 내는 정책 - 두가지 폴리시를 다루어야 함으로 구현하기 어려움
      3. MiniBatch
        • 많은 데이터 중 임의로 샘플을 뽑아 학습시키는 것
        • 연속적인 샘플들 간의 강한 상관관계를 제거
      4. Value-Based Reinforcement Learning
        • at first, Let Value Function Approximating to make a Policy
      5. Decaying Epsilon-Greedy
        • at first, Random Act -> random act to be reduced gradually -> when it became 1% of random action, it stop
        • Two Hyper parameter: (1) Exploration_fraction : 언제까지 감소 시킬 것인가? Default 0.5(Timesteps의 50%가 될 때까지 랜덤 액션 취할 확률 이 줄어든다) (2) Exploration_final_eps : 최종 입실론 값, 기본값 0.01(0.01이 되면 감소가 줄어들고, 값을 유지한다.)


        Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning

        Advance AI : Deep-Reinforcement Learning

        Cutting-Edge Deep-Reinforcement Learning
