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for Robot Artificial Inteligence

10. Value Function(2) & Bellman Equation


Value Function & The Bellman Equation

  • The full derivation(起源) can be tough if our probability skills are not yet strong enough

1. Expected Values

  • why is this strange to many people?
  • Consider a coin toss: Heads = Win, Tails = Lose
  • Numerically: H = 1, T = 0
  • suppose, P(W) = 60%
  • Expected Value is 0.6 x 1 + 0.4 * 0 = 0.6
  • The “Expected Value” is a “Value” I can “never expect”
  • What’s the point of expected values?
  • it tells us the mean/average (E.g. we gather up all the heights of students in the call and calculate the mean- no student may have the mean height, but it’s a useful statistic)
  • it doesn’t matter if a coin flip will never give me 0.6, it just an average
  • x is state()

2. probability Trees

  • our expected reward is the weighted sum of each possible outcome(weighted by the probability at the corresponding branch)
  • the same concept extends to any number of possible outcomes
  • in general: Expected value = p(e1) x value(e1) + p(e2) x value(e2) + ….

3. Why are averages important?

  • A subsection(分部) of a tree is also a tree – recursion(递归)
  • After Arriving in this state, what happens next can be considered Random
  • Hence, we cannot say: “if i reach this state, i will get X reward”
  • we can only say: “if i reach this state, i will get X reward on average

4. A fundamental concept of The Value Function

  • At each state s, i will get a reward R
  • overall return G, is the sum of rewards i get
  • we want to be able to answer:
    • “if i am in state, s what is the sum of reward i will get in the future, on average?”
    • we say: V(s) = E(GIs)
  • “I” means “givens” - anything to the left is random/ right is not random
  • note : this is called a “conditional expectation”
  • Value Function is equal to Expected function of Total Return by state
  • Every Game we play is just a series of states and rewards
  • Let’s pretend everything is deterministic for now, e.g. E(3) = 3
  • The value of a state is just the sum of all future rewards(if they are deterministic)
    • V(s1) = r2 + r3 + r4 + … + rN
    • V(s2) = r3 + r4 + … + rN
    • Key: V(s1) = r2 + V(s2)
  • Discounted Version
    • V(s1) = r2 + ɣr3 + ɣr4 + … + rN
    • V(s2) = ɣr3 + ɣr4 + … + ɣrN
    • Key: V(s1) = r2 + ɣV(s2)
    • (still assuming everything is deterministic)
  • In more general terms
    • Let’s make s = current state, s’=next state
    • Let’s make r = reward(reall means R(s,s’)- the reward i get from going from s to s’)
    • V(s) = E[r + ɣV(s’)]
    • this is the essence of the bellman equation
  • Expansion
    • V(s) = E[r + ɣE(r’+ɣV(s’’))]
    • V(s) = E[r + ɣE(r’+ɣE(r’‘+…))]
    • understanding this “Structure”
  • putting more details back in
    • s is “given” - we’ve already arrived here
    • V(s) = E[r + ɣV(s’) I s]
  • Expansion again
    • V(s) = state-value function
    • Q(s,a) = action-value function
    • Q(s,a) = E[GIs,a] = E[r + ɣV(s’) I s,a]
    • to understand how Q anv V are related, we need to look at policies(something that tells us what action a to do, given what state we are in)
  • we know earlier(informally) with tic-tac-Toe
  • if any discrepancies(差异) between then and now, consider everything from here onward to be more correct
  • Value Function is determined by a policy and has state “s” as parameter
  • only future rewards
  • value of all terminal states is thus 0
  • the state value of the terminal state in an episodic problem should always be zero, the value of a state is the expected sum of all future rewards when starting in that state and following a specific policy. for the terminal state, this is zero - there are no more rewards to be end 0
  • Recursiveness(递归性)

5. Some Algebra

  • since the expected value is over π, that means we can express it as a possibility distribute
    • π = π(a I s)
  • the expected values are linear operators, so we can find each term one at a time
    • policy with in return action value in respect to state
    • reward and probabilty with return reward in respect to state and action
  • in terms of p(s’,r I s,a)
  • we can do this for anything
    • it’s just a general expression of expected values, we can use it on anything

So let’s do it for all of V(s)

  • E(E(X)) = E(X)
  • we can do this infinity and it won’t change the answer
  • E(A+B) = E(A+E(B))
  • Therefore if i have one expected value like that, i can insert another expected value in there
  • Law of total expectation: E(X)=E(E(X I Y))
  • E(E(G(t+1) I ANY)) = E(G(t+1))
  • now we know that any condition or expectation could go in that spot
  • pick ANY = S(t+1) = s’
  • if i want to know what to do next i just look at what is the reward i get by going there whay is this has to do with how to find an optimal policy.
  • Key: No need to enumerate all possible future(which could be infinity long), in order to choose every action

6. Bellman Equation

  • Richard bellman
  • Pioneered “dynamic programming”
  • Bottom-up approach
  • DP(dynamic programming) is also one of the solution we’ll study for MDPs
  • State-value Fucntion
  • Action-value function
  • Space Required is quadratic: ISI x IAI

7. Bellman Equation by Example

  • Simple models with just a handful of states, easy to solve by hand
  • Big Picture perspective: All we want to do is “solve for V(S)”
  • ‘Value Function’ represent how good is a state for an agent to be in

Example 1

  • probability of going to end, from start, is 1
  • Reward for landing in end is 1
  • Discount factor ɣ = 0.9
  • Question: what problem are we solving again?
  • if we said, “find V(s)”, we are right
  • In particular, we want:
    • V(START)
    • V(End)
  • Try it ourselves before moving on
  • Remember “Value” is sum of all Future rewards
  • Value of Terminal state is always 0
  • V(end) = 0
  • V(start) = 1
  • Note: ɣ only applies to future rewards
  • V(start) = R + ɣ(End)

Example 2

  • Everything is still deterministic
  • Discount factor ɣ = 0.9
  • V(End)=0 (terminal state)
  • V(Mid)=1 (Takes the role of V(Start) From Example 1)
  • V(Start) = R(Start,Mid) + ɣV(Mid) = 0 + 0.9 x 1 = 0.9

Example 3

  • V(End) = 0 (unaffected)
  • V(Mid) = 1 (Also unaffected, only calculated from future rewards)
  • V(Star) = R(Start,Mid) + ɣV(Mid) = -0.1 + 0.9*1 = 0.8

Example 4

  • Start at S1
  • Discount factor ɣ = 0.9
  • Nuance: What do these Probabilities refer to?
  • we model games as MDPs - not just coin flips
  • as an intelligent agent, our policy tells me what action to do : π(a I s).
  • Important : Does not tell me where we go
  • p(s’,r I s,a) tells me where i end up
  • this example oversimplifies MDPs, but is easier to verbalize(用言语)
  • For these examples, we’ll consider the action to be “deciding where to go”
  • V(S4) = 0
  • V(S2) = 1
  • V(S3) = 1 (Same logic as previous examples)
  • V(S1) = p(S2 I S1)[R2+ɣV(S2)]+p(S3 I S1)[R3+ɣV(S3)] = 0.5(-0.2 + 0.91)+0.5(-0.3 + 0.91) = 0.65

Example 5

  • V(S4), V(S5) =0 (Terminal)
  • V(S2) = p(S4 I S2)[R4 + ɣV(S4)] + p(S5 I S2)[R5 + ɣV(S5)] = 0.8-1 + 0.21 = -0.6
  • V(S3) = p(S4 I S3)[R4 + ɣV(S4)] + p(S5 I S3)[R5 + ɣV(S5)] = 0.1-1 + 0.91 = 0.8
  • V(S1) = p(S2 I S1)[R2 + ɣV(S2)] + p(S3 I S1)[R3 + ɣV(S3)] = 0.5(0.9-0.6) + 0.5(0.9*0.8)= 0.09

Example 6

  • sperate policy randomness from state-arrival randomness
  • situation:
    • someone throws a ball at me
    • our action: either “duck” or “jump”
    • next possible states:
      • Get hit: R = -1
      • Don’t Get hit(safe): R = 0
  • the action cannot be “don’t get hit”
    • if one could simply choose not to get hit one would never lose
  • can aplly to any “real-life” scenario, e.g. starting a company
  • π(jump I start) = 0.5
  • π(duck I start) = 0.5
p(hit, reward = -1 I jump,start) = 0.8
p(hit, reward = 0 I jump,start) = 0
p(safe, reward = -1 I jump,start) = 0
p(safe, reward = 0 I jump,start) = 0.2
p(hit, reward = -1 I duck,start) = 0.2
p(hit, reward = 0 I duck,start) = 0.4
p(safe, reward = -1 I duck,start) = 0.6
p(safe, reward = 0 I duck,start) = 0.4
  • just marginalize over reward since they are really deterministic
p(hit, reward = -1 I jump,start) = 0.8
p(safe, reward = 0 I jump,start) = 0.2

p(hit, reward = 0 I duck,start) = 0.4
p(safe, reward = -1 I duck,start) = 0.6
  • as usual, V(safe) and V(hit) = 0

  • sanity(明智) check: we should have 4 things to sum over (2 x 2 - think of looping over all possibilities in code)
for brevity(简洁):
Don't show start condition
j = jump, d = duck

V(Start) = π(j)p(safe I j)*0 + π(j)p(hit I j) * (-1) + π(d)p(safe I j)*0 + π(d)p(safe I j)*(-1)

Example 7

  • The Previous examples were easy: just work backwards
  • Now we have a cycle: no notion of “backwards”
  • Back to actions being “go to next state”
  • R1 = R2 = -0.1
  • Discount Factor ɣ = 0.9
V(s1) = p(s1 I s1)(R1+ɣV(s1)) + p(s2 I s1)(R2 + ɣV(s2))
V(s1) = 0.3(-0.1+0.9V(s1)) + 0.7(-0.1 + 0.9V(s2)) = -0.1 + 0.27V(s1) + 0.63V(s2)
V(s2) = p(s1 I s2)(R1+ɣV(s1)) + p(s3 I s2)(R3 + ɣV(s3))
V(s2) = 0.6(-0.1+0.9V(s1)) + 0.4(1 + 0.9V(s3)) = 0.34 + 0.54V(s1) + 0.36V(s3)
V(s3) = 0
V(s1) = -0.1 + 0.27V(s1) + 0.63V(s2)
V(s2) =0.34 + 0.54V(s1)
V(s3) = 0
  • this is linear system (3 equations, 3 unknowns)
0.1   = -0.73V(s1) + 0.63V(s2)
-0.34 = 0.54V(s1) - V(s2) + 0.36V(s3)
0     = V(s3)

  • of the form Ax=b x = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
  • V(s1) = 0.293
  • V(s2) = 0.498
  • V(s3) = 0

7. Bellman Equation Summary

  • “Working backwards method”
  • “Linear eqaution method”
  • big picture:
  • Get away from the idea that : “i need to try this on a finance data”, “i need to try this on a biology dataset”, etc.. algorithm doesn’t change, all it sees is a list of numbers
  • Rather, we want to know: “ What are scalable algorithms that solve this modelling problem?”

8. Optimal Policies & Optimal Value Functions

  • these are interdependent - a key concept in this course - lots of depth to this idea
  • we can talk about the relative “goodness” of policies

The Best Policy

  • optimal policy is the “best” policy
  • the policy for which there is no greater value function
  • Optimal Policies are not unique, optimal value functions are :

Relationship Between V and Q

  • Implementation advantage:
  • to find the best action, we must actually do it to find the best V(s’)
  • With Q, we simply need to Look up Q(s,a)

Bellman Optimality Equation

9. Implementing the Optimal Policy

  • Key point : Value Function already takes future rewards into account
  • Just greedily choose the action that yield the best next-state value V(s’)
  • requires look-ahead search
  • if we have Q(s,a), no need to look ahead, simply choose argmax
  • Q(s,a) thus effectively caches the look-ahead search results

10. step from Value Function to Optimal Policy and Q function

  • the value function depends on the policy by which the agent picks actions to perform. so if the agent uses a given policy π to select actions, the corresponding value function is given by :
  • among all possible value-functions, there exist an optimal value function that has higher value than other functions for all states
  • the optimal policy π is the policy that corresponds to optimal value function.
  • In addition to the state value-function, for Convenience RL algorithms introduce another function which is the state-action pair Q-Function. Q is a function of a state-action pair and returns a real value

11. MDP Summary

  • Purely Theoretical
  • MDPs
  • Policies
  • Returns-total future reward
  • Discounting future rewards with the discount rate, gamma
  • state-value function
  • action-value function
  • bellman equation
  • Bellman Optimality Equations
  • Next Section:
    • Finding V given a policy
    • Finding Optimal Policies and optimal values


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