19. Cartpole with bins
04 Oct 2019 | Reinforcement Learning
Cartpole with bins
- Add some complexity: Q-Learning using the tabular method
- why?
- it’s not necessary to do the most complicated thing possible
- simple adjustments allow us to use what we know, and it works well
- CartPole state space is continuous / infinite
- But some states are more likely than others
- From the documentation, we can infer that some are impossible, since if we go past a certain angle/position, we lose
- very high velocity is likely impossible as well
- Cut up relevant part of the state space into boxes
- this image is a 3-D box (a 4-D box would look weird)
- now we have a discrete state space
- we just name these 0,1 etc
- now we can use the tabular method
Hidden Complexities
- how do we choose upper and lower limits of the box?
- Naïve approach: just try different numbers until it works
- More complex: play some episode, plot histogram to see what limit are
- what if we land in a state outside the box?
- Extend the edge boxes to infinity
- ex) box0 - box1 - box2 - box3
- Convert state into a bin
- Must be a unique number, so we can index a dictionary or array
- Not easy, so take our time to test out a few ideas
Overwriting rewards
- Default reward is +1 for every step
- Doesn’t work too well ( but makes perfect sense)
- Better: give a large negative reward (like -300) if the pole falls
- incentivizes the agent to not reach that point
- is modifying the default rewards a good idea or not?
- in the real world, if we are building an agent to solve a novel task, we would be defining the rewards anyway
- the programmer must define an intelligent reward structure
# https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/deep-reinforcement-learning-in-python
# https://www.udemy.com/deep-reinforcement-learning-in-python
from __future__ import print_function, division
from builtins import range
# Note: you may need to update your version of future
# if builtins is not defined
# sudo pip install -U future
import gym
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gym import wrappers
from datetime import datetime
# turns list of integers into an int
# Ex.
# build_state([1,2,3,4,5]) -> 12345
def build_state(features):
#print(int("".join(map(lambda feature: str(int(feature)), features))))
return int("".join(map(lambda feature: str(int(feature)), features)))
def to_bin(value, bins):
return np.digitize(x=[value], bins=bins)[0]
# it takese in a value and then array of possible bins and figures out which bin the value belongs in
class FeatureTransformer:
def __init__(self):
# Note: to make this better you could look at how often each bin was
# actually used while running the script.
# It's not clear from the high/low values nor sample() what values
# we really expect to get.
# nine size because it given 10 bins
self.cart_position_bins = np.linspace(-2.4, 2.4, 9)
self.cart_velocity_bins = np.linspace(-2, 2, 9) # (-inf, inf) (I did not check that these were good values)
self.pole_angle_bins = np.linspace(-0.4, 0.4, 9)
self.pole_velocity_bins = np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, 9) # (-inf, inf) (I did not check that these were good values)
def transform(self, observation):
# returns an int
cart_pos, cart_vel, pole_angle, pole_vel = observation
return build_state([
to_bin(cart_pos, self.cart_position_bins),
to_bin(cart_vel, self.cart_velocity_bins),
to_bin(pole_angle, self.pole_angle_bins),
to_bin(pole_vel, self.pole_velocity_bins),
class Model:
def __init__(self, env, feature_transformer):
self.env = env
self.feature_transformer = feature_transformer
num_states = 10**env.observation_space.shape[0]
# 10000 num states
num_actions = env.action_space.n
# 2
self.Q = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(num_states, num_actions))
#2개 인덱스의 10000개 난수 생성
def predict(self, s):
x = self.feature_transformer.transform(s)
return self.Q[x]
def update(self, s, a, G):
x = self.feature_transformer.transform(s)
self.Q[x,a] += 1e-2*(G - self.Q[x,a])
# this takens in as state action and target return
def sample_action(self, s, eps):
if np.random.random() < eps:
return self.env.action_space.sample()
p = self.predict(s)
return np.argmax(p)
def play_one(model, eps, gamma):
observation = env.reset()
done = False
totalreward = 0
iters = 0
while not done and iters < 10000:
action = model.sample_action(observation, eps)
prev_observation = observation
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
totalreward += reward
if done and iters < 199:
reward = -300
# update the model
G = reward + gamma*np.max(model.predict(observation))
model.update(prev_observation, action, G)
iters += 1
return totalreward
def plot_running_avg(totalrewards):
N = len(totalrewards)
running_avg = np.empty(N)
for t in range(N):
running_avg[t] = totalrewards[max(0, t-100):(t+1)].mean()
plt.title("Running Average")
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
ft = FeatureTransformer()
model = Model(env, ft)
gamma = 0.9
if 'monitor' in sys.argv:
filename = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
monitor_dir = './' + filename + '_' + str(datetime.now())
env = wrappers.Monitor(env, monitor_dir)
N = 10000
totalrewards = np.empty(N)
for n in range(N):
eps = 1.0/np.sqrt(n+1)
totalreward = play_one(model, eps, gamma)
totalrewards[n] = totalreward
if n % 100 == 0:
print("episode:", n, "total reward:", totalreward, "eps:", eps)
print("avg reward for last 100 episodes:", totalrewards[-100:].mean())
print("total steps:", totalrewards.sum())
Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning
Cartpole with bins
- Add some complexity: Q-Learning using the tabular method
- why?
- it’s not necessary to do the most complicated thing possible
- simple adjustments allow us to use what we know, and it works well
- CartPole state space is continuous / infinite
- But some states are more likely than others
- From the documentation, we can infer that some are impossible, since if we go past a certain angle/position, we lose
- very high velocity is likely impossible as well
- Cut up relevant part of the state space into boxes
- this image is a 3-D box (a 4-D box would look weird)
- now we have a discrete state space
- we just name these 0,1 etc
- now we can use the tabular method
Hidden Complexities
- how do we choose upper and lower limits of the box?
- Naïve approach: just try different numbers until it works
- More complex: play some episode, plot histogram to see what limit are
- what if we land in a state outside the box?
- Extend the edge boxes to infinity
- ex) box0 - box1 - box2 - box3
- Extend the edge boxes to infinity
- Convert state into a bin
- Must be a unique number, so we can index a dictionary or array
- Not easy, so take our time to test out a few ideas
Overwriting rewards
- Default reward is +1 for every step
- Doesn’t work too well ( but makes perfect sense)
- Better: give a large negative reward (like -300) if the pole falls
- incentivizes the agent to not reach that point
- is modifying the default rewards a good idea or not?
- in the real world, if we are building an agent to solve a novel task, we would be defining the rewards anyway
- the programmer must define an intelligent reward structure
# https://deeplearningcourses.com/c/deep-reinforcement-learning-in-python
# https://www.udemy.com/deep-reinforcement-learning-in-python
from __future__ import print_function, division
from builtins import range
# Note: you may need to update your version of future
# if builtins is not defined
# sudo pip install -U future
import gym
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gym import wrappers
from datetime import datetime
# turns list of integers into an int
# Ex.
# build_state([1,2,3,4,5]) -> 12345
def build_state(features):
#print(int("".join(map(lambda feature: str(int(feature)), features))))
return int("".join(map(lambda feature: str(int(feature)), features)))
def to_bin(value, bins):
return np.digitize(x=[value], bins=bins)[0]
# it takese in a value and then array of possible bins and figures out which bin the value belongs in
class FeatureTransformer:
def __init__(self):
# Note: to make this better you could look at how often each bin was
# actually used while running the script.
# It's not clear from the high/low values nor sample() what values
# we really expect to get.
# nine size because it given 10 bins
self.cart_position_bins = np.linspace(-2.4, 2.4, 9)
self.cart_velocity_bins = np.linspace(-2, 2, 9) # (-inf, inf) (I did not check that these were good values)
self.pole_angle_bins = np.linspace(-0.4, 0.4, 9)
self.pole_velocity_bins = np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, 9) # (-inf, inf) (I did not check that these were good values)
def transform(self, observation):
# returns an int
cart_pos, cart_vel, pole_angle, pole_vel = observation
return build_state([
to_bin(cart_pos, self.cart_position_bins),
to_bin(cart_vel, self.cart_velocity_bins),
to_bin(pole_angle, self.pole_angle_bins),
to_bin(pole_vel, self.pole_velocity_bins),
class Model:
def __init__(self, env, feature_transformer):
self.env = env
self.feature_transformer = feature_transformer
num_states = 10**env.observation_space.shape[0]
# 10000 num states
num_actions = env.action_space.n
# 2
self.Q = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(num_states, num_actions))
#2개 인덱스의 10000개 난수 생성
def predict(self, s):
x = self.feature_transformer.transform(s)
return self.Q[x]
def update(self, s, a, G):
x = self.feature_transformer.transform(s)
self.Q[x,a] += 1e-2*(G - self.Q[x,a])
# this takens in as state action and target return
def sample_action(self, s, eps):
if np.random.random() < eps:
return self.env.action_space.sample()
p = self.predict(s)
return np.argmax(p)
def play_one(model, eps, gamma):
observation = env.reset()
done = False
totalreward = 0
iters = 0
while not done and iters < 10000:
action = model.sample_action(observation, eps)
prev_observation = observation
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
totalreward += reward
if done and iters < 199:
reward = -300
# update the model
G = reward + gamma*np.max(model.predict(observation))
model.update(prev_observation, action, G)
iters += 1
return totalreward
def plot_running_avg(totalrewards):
N = len(totalrewards)
running_avg = np.empty(N)
for t in range(N):
running_avg[t] = totalrewards[max(0, t-100):(t+1)].mean()
plt.title("Running Average")
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
ft = FeatureTransformer()
model = Model(env, ft)
gamma = 0.9
if 'monitor' in sys.argv:
filename = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
monitor_dir = './' + filename + '_' + str(datetime.now())
env = wrappers.Monitor(env, monitor_dir)
N = 10000
totalrewards = np.empty(N)
for n in range(N):
eps = 1.0/np.sqrt(n+1)
totalreward = play_one(model, eps, gamma)
totalrewards[n] = totalreward
if n % 100 == 0:
print("episode:", n, "total reward:", totalreward, "eps:", eps)
print("avg reward for last 100 episodes:", totalrewards[-100:].mean())
print("total steps:", totalrewards.sum())
``` Reference:
Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning