0. ROS Basic
01 Oct 2019 | ROS
Fundamental Concepts
- ROS file system -nomenclature
- ROS workspace -catkin workspace
- src space, devel space, build space, install space
- ROS packages
- organize different functional modules
- ROS workspace is a folder to organize ROS project files
- catkin - a build tool that compiles source files to binaries
- catkin_workspace - ROS workspace where catkin is used as the build tool
- install dependencies of a ROS package(listed in package.xml)
cd <path_to_folder_with_ROS_packages(s)>
rosdep install <package_name>
- install dependencies of all packages in our source space
cd <path_to_ros_workspace/src>
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -y
we dont need the source files of all dependencies of our ROS package
Devel space
- Binary executable files for tesing our development
- files for setting up project specific ROS environment
- source ROS environment for project in catkin workspace
source <path_to_workspace/devel/setup.bash
ROS launch
- Group Multiple Ros nodes in one file
- launch file in xml format
- start up all nodes in the launch file
- arguments, node specific paramters, namespaces
- also possible to include launch files from other packages in the same launch file
<node name="counter_with_delay" pkg="hrwros" type="counter_with_delay_as.py" output="screen">
<param name="counter_delay" type="double" vale="$(arg counter_delay_parameter)"/>
ROS Actions
- No waiting until an execution is complete(non-blocking)
- waiting is an option if required
- A generalized request-response system - the client-sever infrastructure in ROS
- Actions are defined by the three message types: Goal(request), Result(response) and Feedback
- Requirement: counter with a 1s delay between each count
- Goal Message - Number of count up to (uint32)
- Result message - state message(string)
- feedback message - number of counts completed(unit32)
unit32 num_counts <- Goal Field
string result_message <- result field
unit32 counts_elapsed <- feedback field
- Ros action definitions reside in the ROS package with project specific message definitions
/action folder
- generate action messages manually
- rosrun actionlib_msgs genaction.py
- show the contents of an action message
- rosmsg show
_ msgs/
Processing a goal request
- goalCallbcak function processes a goal request
- a goal can be pre-empted(and cancelled) before completion
- goal statuses: ACTIVE, SUCCEEDED, ABORTED(실패)
client = actionlb.SimpleActionClient(counter_with_delay,CounterWithDelayAction)
goal = CounterWithDelayGoal(num_counts=10)
ROS Service
- Event-Based execution for ROS applications
float64 measurement_metres <- request field
float64 measurement_feet <- response field
Bool success
Fundamental Concepts
- ROS file system -nomenclature
- ROS workspace -catkin workspace
- src space, devel space, build space, install space
- ROS packages
- organize different functional modules
- ROS workspace -catkin workspace
- ROS workspace is a folder to organize ROS project files
- catkin - a build tool that compiles source files to binaries
- catkin_workspace - ROS workspace where catkin is used as the build tool
- install dependencies of a ROS package(listed in package.xml)
cd <path_to_folder_with_ROS_packages(s)>
rosdep install <package_name>
- install dependencies of all packages in our source space
cd <path_to_ros_workspace/src>
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -y
we dont need the source files of all dependencies of our ROS package
Devel space
- Binary executable files for tesing our development
- files for setting up project specific ROS environment
- source ROS environment for project in catkin workspace
source <path_to_workspace/devel/setup.bash
ROS launch
- Group Multiple Ros nodes in one file
- launch file in xml format
- start up all nodes in the launch file
- arguments, node specific paramters, namespaces
- also possible to include launch files from other packages in the same launch file
<node name="counter_with_delay" pkg="hrwros" type="counter_with_delay_as.py" output="screen">
<param name="counter_delay" type="double" vale="$(arg counter_delay_parameter)"/>
ROS Actions
- No waiting until an execution is complete(non-blocking)
- waiting is an option if required
- A generalized request-response system - the client-sever infrastructure in ROS
- Actions are defined by the three message types: Goal(request), Result(response) and Feedback
- Requirement: counter with a 1s delay between each count
- Goal Message - Number of count up to (uint32)
- Result message - state message(string)
- feedback message - number of counts completed(unit32)
unit32 num_counts <- Goal Field
string result_message <- result field
unit32 counts_elapsed <- feedback field
- Ros action definitions reside in the ROS package with project specific message definitions
/action folder
- generate action messages manually
- rosrun actionlib_msgs genaction.py
- rosrun actionlib_msgs genaction.py
- show the contents of an action message
- rosmsg show
_ msgs/
- rosmsg show
Processing a goal request
- goalCallbcak function processes a goal request
- a goal can be pre-empted(and cancelled) before completion
- goal statuses: ACTIVE, SUCCEEDED, ABORTED(실패)
client = actionlb.SimpleActionClient(counter_with_delay,CounterWithDelayAction)
goal = CounterWithDelayGoal(num_counts=10)
ROS Service
- Event-Based execution for ROS applications
float64 measurement_metres <- request field
float64 measurement_feet <- response field
Bool success