4. Cartesian Control
04 Oct 2019 | ROS
Cartesian Control
Cartesian Control
#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
import numpy
import time
from threading import Thread, Lock
import rospy
import tf
from geometry_msgs.msg import Transform
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from std_msgs.msg import Float32
from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF
def S_matrix(w):
S = numpy.zeros((3,3))
S[0,1] = -w[2]
S[0,2] = w[1]
S[1,0] = w[2]
S[1,2] = -w[0]
S[2,0] = -w[1]
S[2,1] = w[0]
return S
# This is the function that must be filled in as part of the Project.
def cartesian_control(joint_transforms, b_T_ee_current, b_T_ee_desired,
red_control, q_current, q0_desired):
num_joints = len(joint_transforms)
dq = numpy.zeros(num_joints)
#-------------------- Fill in your code here ---------------------------
J = numpy.zeros((6,num_joints))
ee_V_ee = numpy.zeros(6) # array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
T_to_desired = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(b_T_ee_current),b_T_ee_desired) # symmetry make
angle, axis = rotation_from_matrix(T_to_desired)
## in base frame
delta_p = T_to_desired[:3,3] #
delta_theta = numpy.dot(axis,angle)
p_dot = delta_p*1
theta_dot = delta_theta*1
#ee_T_b = numpy.linalg.inv(b_T_ee_current)
ee_R_b = T_to_desired[:3,:3]
ee_V_ee[:3] = numpy.dot(ee_R_b,p_dot)
ee_V_ee[3:] = numpy.dot(ee_R_b,theta_dot)
for i in range(num_joints):
J[:,i] = adjoint_matrix(numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(b_T_ee_current),joint_transforms[i]))[:,5]
dq = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.pinv(J,0.01),ee_V_ee)
return dq
def convert_from_message(t):
trans = tf.transformations.translation_matrix((t.translation.x,
rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix((t.rotation.x,
T = numpy.dot(trans,rot)
return T
def adjoint_matrix(i_T_j):
i_p_j = numpy.linalg.inv(i_T_j)[:3, 3] # raw column
i_R_j = i_T_j[:3, :3]
Ad = numpy.zeros((6,6))
Ad[:3,:3] = i_R_j
Ad[3:,3:] = i_R_j
Ad[:3,3:] = -numpy.dot(i_R_j,S_matrix(i_p_j))
return Ad
# Returns the angle-axis representation of the rotation contained in the input matrix
# Use like this:
# angle, axis = rotation_from_matrix(R)
def rotation_from_matrix(matrix):
R = numpy.array(matrix, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False)
R33 = R[:3, :3]
# axis: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
l, W = numpy.linalg.eig(R33.T)
i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
axis = numpy.real(W[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
# point: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
l, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(R)
i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
# rotation angle depending on axis
cosa = (numpy.trace(R33) - 1.0) / 2.0
if abs(axis[2]) > 1e-8:
sina = (R[1, 0] + (cosa-1.0)*axis[0]*axis[1]) / axis[2]
elif abs(axis[1]) > 1e-8:
sina = (R[0, 2] + (cosa-1.0)*axis[0]*axis[2]) / axis[1]
sina = (R[2, 1] + (cosa-1.0)*axis[1]*axis[2]) / axis[0]
angle = math.atan2(sina, cosa)
return angle, axis
class CartesianControl(object):
def __init__(self):
#Loads the robot model, which contains the robot's kinematics information
self.robot = URDF.from_parameter_server()
#Subscribes to information about what the current joint values are.
rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, self.joint_callback)
#Subscribes to command for end-effector pose
rospy.Subscriber("/cartesian_command", Transform, self.command_callback)
#Subscribes to command for redundant dof
rospy.Subscriber("/redundancy_command", Float32, self.redundancy_callback)
# Publishes desired joint velocities
self.pub_vel = rospy.Publisher("/joint_velocities", JointState, queue_size=1)
#This is where we hold the most recent joint transforms
self.joint_transforms = []
self.q_current = []
self.x_current = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
self.R_base = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
self.x_target = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
self.q0_desired = 0
self.last_command_time = 0
self.last_red_command_time = 0
# Initialize timer that will trigger callbacks
self.mutex = Lock()
self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), self.timer_callback)
def command_callback(self, command):
self.x_target = convert_from_message(command)
self.last_command_time = time.time()
def redundancy_callback(self, command):
self.q0_desired = command.data
self.last_red_command_time = time.time()
def timer_callback(self, event):
msg = JointState()
if time.time() - self.last_command_time < 0.5:
dq = cartesian_control(self.joint_transforms,
self.x_current, self.x_target,
False, self.q_current, self.q0_desired)
msg.velocity = dq
elif time.time() - self.last_red_command_time < 0.5:
dq = cartesian_control(self.joint_transforms,
self.x_current, self.x_current,
True, self.q_current, self.q0_desired)
msg.velocity = dq
msg.velocity = numpy.zeros(7)
def joint_callback(self, joint_values):
root = self.robot.get_root()
T = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
self.joint_transforms = []
self.q_current = joint_values.position
self.process_link_recursive(root, T, joint_values)
def align_with_z(self, axis):
T = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
z = numpy.array([0,0,1])
x = numpy.array([1,0,0])
dot = numpy.dot(z,axis)
if dot == 1: return T
if dot == -1: return tf.transformation.rotation_matrix(math.pi, x)
rot_axis = numpy.cross(z, axis)
angle = math.acos(dot)
return tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(angle, rot_axis)
def process_link_recursive(self, link, T, joint_values):
if link not in self.robot.child_map:
self.x_current = T
for i in range(0,len(self.robot.child_map[link])):
(joint_name, next_link) = self.robot.child_map[link][i]
if joint_name not in self.robot.joint_map:
rospy.logerror("Joint not found in map")
current_joint = self.robot.joint_map[joint_name]
trans_matrix = tf.transformations.translation_matrix((current_joint.origin.xyz[0],
rot_matrix = tf.transformations.euler_matrix(current_joint.origin.rpy[0],
current_joint.origin.rpy[2], 'rxyz')
origin_T = numpy.dot(trans_matrix, rot_matrix)
current_joint_T = numpy.dot(T, origin_T)
if current_joint.type != 'fixed':
if current_joint.name not in joint_values.name:
rospy.logerror("Joint not found in list")
# compute transform that aligns rotation axis with z
aligned_joint_T = numpy.dot(current_joint_T, self.align_with_z(current_joint.axis))
index = joint_values.name.index(current_joint.name)
angle = joint_values.position[index]
joint_rot_T = tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(angle,
next_link_T = numpy.dot(current_joint_T, joint_rot_T)
next_link_T = current_joint_T
self.process_link_recursive(next_link, next_link_T, joint_values)
if __name__ == '__main__':
rospy.init_node('cartesian_control', anonymous=True)
cc = CartesianControl()
Cartesian Control
Cartesian Control
#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
import numpy
import time
from threading import Thread, Lock
import rospy
import tf
from geometry_msgs.msg import Transform
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from std_msgs.msg import Float32
from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF
def S_matrix(w):
S = numpy.zeros((3,3))
S[0,1] = -w[2]
S[0,2] = w[1]
S[1,0] = w[2]
S[1,2] = -w[0]
S[2,0] = -w[1]
S[2,1] = w[0]
return S
# This is the function that must be filled in as part of the Project.
def cartesian_control(joint_transforms, b_T_ee_current, b_T_ee_desired,
red_control, q_current, q0_desired):
num_joints = len(joint_transforms)
dq = numpy.zeros(num_joints)
#-------------------- Fill in your code here ---------------------------
J = numpy.zeros((6,num_joints))
ee_V_ee = numpy.zeros(6) # array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
T_to_desired = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(b_T_ee_current),b_T_ee_desired) # symmetry make
angle, axis = rotation_from_matrix(T_to_desired)
## in base frame
delta_p = T_to_desired[:3,3] #
delta_theta = numpy.dot(axis,angle)
p_dot = delta_p*1
theta_dot = delta_theta*1
#ee_T_b = numpy.linalg.inv(b_T_ee_current)
ee_R_b = T_to_desired[:3,:3]
ee_V_ee[:3] = numpy.dot(ee_R_b,p_dot)
ee_V_ee[3:] = numpy.dot(ee_R_b,theta_dot)
for i in range(num_joints):
J[:,i] = adjoint_matrix(numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(b_T_ee_current),joint_transforms[i]))[:,5]
dq = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.pinv(J,0.01),ee_V_ee)
return dq
def convert_from_message(t):
trans = tf.transformations.translation_matrix((t.translation.x,
rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix((t.rotation.x,
T = numpy.dot(trans,rot)
return T
def adjoint_matrix(i_T_j):
i_p_j = numpy.linalg.inv(i_T_j)[:3, 3] # raw column
i_R_j = i_T_j[:3, :3]
Ad = numpy.zeros((6,6))
Ad[:3,:3] = i_R_j
Ad[3:,3:] = i_R_j
Ad[:3,3:] = -numpy.dot(i_R_j,S_matrix(i_p_j))
return Ad
# Returns the angle-axis representation of the rotation contained in the input matrix
# Use like this:
# angle, axis = rotation_from_matrix(R)
def rotation_from_matrix(matrix):
R = numpy.array(matrix, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False)
R33 = R[:3, :3]
# axis: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
l, W = numpy.linalg.eig(R33.T)
i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
axis = numpy.real(W[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
# point: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
l, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(R)
i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
# rotation angle depending on axis
cosa = (numpy.trace(R33) - 1.0) / 2.0
if abs(axis[2]) > 1e-8:
sina = (R[1, 0] + (cosa-1.0)*axis[0]*axis[1]) / axis[2]
elif abs(axis[1]) > 1e-8:
sina = (R[0, 2] + (cosa-1.0)*axis[0]*axis[2]) / axis[1]
sina = (R[2, 1] + (cosa-1.0)*axis[1]*axis[2]) / axis[0]
angle = math.atan2(sina, cosa)
return angle, axis
class CartesianControl(object):
def __init__(self):
#Loads the robot model, which contains the robot's kinematics information
self.robot = URDF.from_parameter_server()
#Subscribes to information about what the current joint values are.
rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, self.joint_callback)
#Subscribes to command for end-effector pose
rospy.Subscriber("/cartesian_command", Transform, self.command_callback)
#Subscribes to command for redundant dof
rospy.Subscriber("/redundancy_command", Float32, self.redundancy_callback)
# Publishes desired joint velocities
self.pub_vel = rospy.Publisher("/joint_velocities", JointState, queue_size=1)
#This is where we hold the most recent joint transforms
self.joint_transforms = []
self.q_current = []
self.x_current = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
self.R_base = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
self.x_target = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
self.q0_desired = 0
self.last_command_time = 0
self.last_red_command_time = 0
# Initialize timer that will trigger callbacks
self.mutex = Lock()
self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), self.timer_callback)
def command_callback(self, command):
self.x_target = convert_from_message(command)
self.last_command_time = time.time()
def redundancy_callback(self, command):
self.q0_desired = command.data
self.last_red_command_time = time.time()
def timer_callback(self, event):
msg = JointState()
if time.time() - self.last_command_time < 0.5:
dq = cartesian_control(self.joint_transforms,
self.x_current, self.x_target,
False, self.q_current, self.q0_desired)
msg.velocity = dq
elif time.time() - self.last_red_command_time < 0.5:
dq = cartesian_control(self.joint_transforms,
self.x_current, self.x_current,
True, self.q_current, self.q0_desired)
msg.velocity = dq
msg.velocity = numpy.zeros(7)
def joint_callback(self, joint_values):
root = self.robot.get_root()
T = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
self.joint_transforms = []
self.q_current = joint_values.position
self.process_link_recursive(root, T, joint_values)
def align_with_z(self, axis):
T = tf.transformations.identity_matrix()
z = numpy.array([0,0,1])
x = numpy.array([1,0,0])
dot = numpy.dot(z,axis)
if dot == 1: return T
if dot == -1: return tf.transformation.rotation_matrix(math.pi, x)
rot_axis = numpy.cross(z, axis)
angle = math.acos(dot)
return tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(angle, rot_axis)
def process_link_recursive(self, link, T, joint_values):
if link not in self.robot.child_map:
self.x_current = T
for i in range(0,len(self.robot.child_map[link])):
(joint_name, next_link) = self.robot.child_map[link][i]
if joint_name not in self.robot.joint_map:
rospy.logerror("Joint not found in map")
current_joint = self.robot.joint_map[joint_name]
trans_matrix = tf.transformations.translation_matrix((current_joint.origin.xyz[0],
rot_matrix = tf.transformations.euler_matrix(current_joint.origin.rpy[0],
current_joint.origin.rpy[2], 'rxyz')
origin_T = numpy.dot(trans_matrix, rot_matrix)
current_joint_T = numpy.dot(T, origin_T)
if current_joint.type != 'fixed':
if current_joint.name not in joint_values.name:
rospy.logerror("Joint not found in list")
# compute transform that aligns rotation axis with z
aligned_joint_T = numpy.dot(current_joint_T, self.align_with_z(current_joint.axis))
index = joint_values.name.index(current_joint.name)
angle = joint_values.position[index]
joint_rot_T = tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(angle,
next_link_T = numpy.dot(current_joint_T, joint_rot_T)
next_link_T = current_joint_T
self.process_link_recursive(next_link, next_link_T, joint_values)
if __name__ == '__main__':
rospy.init_node('cartesian_control', anonymous=True)
cc = CartesianControl()