someone who has a special life want to have normal life, but someone who just has a normal life want to have a special life 如果有人生活是特别的话他想要普通的生活但是有人生活是普通的生活的话他想要特别的生活
everything, everywhere, they have own story, own value, own reason. keep them their value, respect them, learn from them. 所有东西,所有地方,它有它自己的故事,价值,理由。希望保持它的价值,尊重它的所有的,向它学到一些对我帮忙的。
don’t afraid drawing my color. don’t cheat myself, be myself. it makes more valuable to other, specific, can write my life which is not same someone. 不要害怕画自己的颜色。不要骗自己,做我自己。做自己把我有更有价值,跟别人不一样,世界上做一个把我的人生更有意思有意义。
keep going to what you like, what you want. even if i felt i’m not enought to do something, everyone better than me, not suit this place for me. but if those are what you like, don’t give up, keep going, the dream that you want will come true oneday 坚持做我喜欢的未来,想变成我理想的自己。所以坚持当中感觉不能克服一些问题觉得这路是不是我的路觉得大家都比我厉害做的很好,不适合我在于这种地方。但是如果我不忘初心为什么我想走这路,不要放弃,坚持这路克服所有遇到的困难,时间会给我解决,时间会给我能力,结果我变成我喜欢什么样的人吧
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