for Robot Artificial Inteligence

heuristic vs Metaheuristics


As already written by some contributors of this thread, heuristics are problem-dependent techniques. As such, they usually are adapted to the problem at hand and they try to take full advantage of the particularities of this problem. However, because they are often too greedy, they usually get trapped in a local optimum and thus fail, in general, to obtain the global optimum solution. Meta-heuristics, on the other hand, are problem-independent techniques. As such, they do not take advantage of any specificity of the problem and, therefore, can be used as black boxes. In general, they are not greedy. In fact, they may even accept a temporary deterioration of the solution (see for example, the simulated-annealing technique), which allows them to explore more thoroughly the solution space and thus to get a hopefully better solution (that sometimes will coincide with the global optimum). Please note that although a meta-heuristic is a problem-independent technique, it is nonetheless necessary to do some fine-tuning of its intrinsic parameters in order to adapt the technique to the problem at hand.

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GBD로 ROS 디버그 쉽게 하는 방법


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Affine Tranformation(2D, 3D)


Homogeneous Coordinate로 나타내는 것이 Affine Tranformation이다.

Homogeneous Coordinate로 로봇의 위치나 상태를 표현을 하게 되는데 이를 Euclidean cooridnate로 표현으로 문제를 푸는것이다(기준 베이스에서 노는 개념(?))

설명은 아래와 같다.

when robot move kinematic model of robot, and robot and map relationship.

inn mathematics, homogeneous coordinates or projective coordinates is a system of coordinates used in projective geometry, as Cartesian coordinates used in Euclidean geometry. It is a coordinate system that algebraically treats all points in the projective plane (both Euclidean and ideal) equally.

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SuperPoint와 SuperGlue 설명



pairwise matching :

graph network :

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Realsense Filter의 의미



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